Amaro-Seoane, P., Spurzem, R.
"Dense gas-star systems: super-massive star evolution"
to appear in: Ho, L.C. (ed.): Coevolution of black holes and galaxies.
Carnegie Obs. Astrophys. Ser. 1 [astro-ph/0212292]
(2003) [details]
Amaro-Seoane, P., Spurzem, R., Just, A.
"Super-massive stars: radiative transfer"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C. (eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 189-190
(2003) [details]
Ardi, E., Tsuchiya, T., Burkert, A.
"Constraints on the clumpiness of dark matter halos through heating of the disk galaxies"
Astrophys. J. 596, 204-215
(2003) [details]
Ardi, E., Tsuchiya, T., Burkert, A.
"Constraints on the clumpiness of dark matter halos through heating of the disk galaxies"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C.(eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 95-100
(2003) [details]
Bastian, U.
"Der vermessene Sternenhimmel -- Ergebnisse der Hipparcos Mission"
Spektrum Wissenschaft, Dossier 4/03: Die Milchstraße , 6-13
(2003) [details]
Belikov, A., Schilbach, E., Bastian, U., Kharchenko, N.
"HRD: what is expected with DIVA?"
to appear in: The unsolved universe - challenges for the future. Proc. Joint European
and Natl. Astron. Meeting (JENAM-2002), Porto, 2-7 September 2002;
EAS Publ. Ser., EDP Sciences, Les Ulis
(2003) [details]
Berczik, P., Hensler, G., Theis, C., Spurzem, R.
"Chemodynamical modeling of dwarf galaxy evolution"
In: Kiss, C., Kun, M., Könyves, V. (eds.): The interaction of stars with
their environment II. Proc. Workshop, Budapest, 15-18 May 2002;
Commun. Konkoly Obs. 103, 155-162
(2003) [details]
Berczik, P., Hensler, G., Theis, C., Spurzem, R.
"A multi-phase chemo-dynamical SPH code for galaxy evolution. Testing the code"
In: Hensler G., Stasińska, G., Harfst, S., Kroupa, P., Theis, C. (eds.): The
evolution of galaxies. III. From simple approaches to self-consistent models.
Proc. 3rd Euroconf., Kiel, 16-20 July 2002; Astrophys. Space Sci. 284, 865-868
(2003) [details]
Bernstein, H. H.
"The detection of brown dwarfs with the astrometric satellites DIVA and GAIA"
In: Martín, E.L. (ed.): Brown dwarfs. Proc. IAU Symp. 211, Waikoloa,
HI, USA, 20-24 May 2002; Astron. Soc. Pac. (2003), 505-508
(2003) [details]
Boily, C.M., Tsuchiya, T., Spurzem, R.
"The mechanics of dark matter halo formation"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C. (eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 133-138
(2003) [details]
Deiters, S..
"Zwei aktive Schwarze Löcher in einer Galaxie"
Sterne Weltraum 42, Heft 2, 16
(2003) [details]
Fiestas, J.
"Fokker-Planck models of rotating clusters"
In: Schielicke, R.E.(ed.): Short Contrib. AG Meeting, Berlin, 23-28 September
2002; Astron. Nachr. 324, Suppl. Issue 2 (2003), 77-78
(2003) [details]
Freitag, M.
"Captures of stars by a massive black hole: investigations in numerical stellar dynamics"
In: Centrella, J.M. (ed.): The astrophysics of gravitational wave sources.
Proc. Conf., College Park, MD, 24-26 April 2003; AIP Conf. Proc. 686, 109-112
(2003) [details]
Freitag, M.
"Gravitational waves from stars orbiting the SagittariusA*black hole"
Astrophys. J. Lett. 583, L21-L24
(2003) [details]
Fuchs, B.
"Constraints on the decomposition of the rotation curves of spiral galaxies"
In: Spooner, N.J.C., Kudryavtsev, V. (eds.): The identification of dark matter.
Proc. 4th Int. Workshop, York, UK, 2-6 September 2002; World Sci. Publ.,
Singapore (2003), 72-77
(2003) [details]
Fuchs, B.
"Massive disks in low surface brightness galaxies"
In: Hensler G., Stasińska, G., Harfst, S., Kroupa, P., Theis, C. (eds.): The
evolution of galaxies. III. From simple approaches to self-consistent models.
Proc. 3rd Euroconf., Kiel, 16-20 July 2002;
Astrophys. Space Sci. 284 (2003), 719-722
(2003) [details]
Giersz, M., Spurzem, R.
"Hybrid code - direct integrations of three- and four-body interactions"
In: Piotto, G., Meylan, G., Djorgovski, S.G., Riello, M. (eds.): New
horizons in globular cluster astronomy. Proc. Conf., Padova, 24-28 June 2002;
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 296, 81-82
(2003) [details]
Giersz, M., Spurzem, R.
"A stochastic Monte Carlo approach to model real star cluster evolution
III. Direct integrations of three- and four-body interactions"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 343 (2003), 781-795
(2003) [details]
Hirte, S., Biermann, M., Scholz, R.
"What's new with DIVA ? "
In: Schielicke, R.E.(ed.): Short Contrib. AG Meeting, Berlin, 23-28 September
2002; Astron. Nachr. 324, Suppl. Issue 2, 96
(2003) [details]
Hörandel, J.R., Kalmykov, N.N., Pavlov, A.I.
"The knee in the energy spectrum of cosmic rays in the framework of the Poly-Gonato and diffusion models "
In: Contributed Papers. 28th Cosmic Ray Conf., Tsukuba, Jpn, 31 Jul -
7 Aug 2003; Universal Acad. Press, Tokyo, 243-246
(2003) [details]
Jahreiß, H.
"The nearby stars"
In: Schielicke, R.E.(ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 19, Astron. Nachr. 324,
Suppl. 2, 96
(2003) [details]
Just, A.
"The SFR and IMF of the Galactic disk"
In: Hensler G., Stasińska, G., Harfst, S., Kroupa, P., Theis, C. (eds.): The
evolution of galaxies. III. From simple approaches to self-consistent models.
Proc. 3rd Euroconf., Kiel, 16-20 July 2002; Astrophys. Space Sci. 284
(2003), 727-730
(2003) [details]
Just, A.
"Dynamical friction of massive objects in galactic centres"
submitted to Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.
(2003) [details]
Just, A., Amaro-Seoane, P.
"Stability and evolution of supermassive stars (SMS)"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C. (eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis
(2003), 127-132
(2003) [details]
Just, A., Peñarrubia, J.
"Dynamical friction in inhomogeneous systems"
In: Schielicke, R.E.(ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 19, Astron. Nachr. 324,
Suppl. 2, 39
(2003) [details]
Khalisi, E.
"Evolutionary time scale in two-component clusters "
In: Piotto, G., Meylan, G., Djorgovski, S.G., Riello, M. (eds.): New
horizons in globular cluster astronomy. Proc. Conf., Padova, 24-28 June 2002;
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 296, 83-84
(2003) [details]
Kobayashi, C., Nakasato, N., Nomoto, K.
"Chemo-dynamical evolution of the Milky Way "
In: Makino, J., Hut, P. (eds.): Astrophysical super-computing using particle
simulations. Proc. IAU Symp. 208, Tokyo, 10-13 July 2001; Astron. Soc.
Pac., 419-420
(2003) [details]
Mouawad, N., Eckart, A., Pfalzner, S., Moultaka, J., Straubmeier, C.,
Spurzem, R., Schödel, R., Ott, T., Genzel, R.
"Stellar orbits at the center of the Milky Way"
In: Cotera, A., Markoff, S., Geballe, T.R., Falcke, H. (eds.): The central
300pc of the Milky Way. Proc Galactic Center Workshop 2002;
Astron. Nachr. 324, Suppl. Issue 1, 315-319
(2003) [details]
Mouawad, N., Eckart, A., Pfalzner, S., Straubmeier, C., Spurzem, R.,
Genzel, R., Ott, T., Schödel, R.
"Stars close to the massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way"
In: Contopoulos, G., Voglis, N. (eds.): Galaxies and chaos. Proc. Conf.,
Athens, 16-19 September 2002; Lect. Notes Phys. 626, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 302-309
(2003) [details]
Nakasato, N.
"Origin of the galaxy morphology"
In: Makino, J., Hut, P. (eds.): Astrophysical supercomputing using particle
simulations. Proc. IAU Symp. 208, Tokyo, 10-13 July 2001; Astron. Soc.
Pac., 431-432
(2003) [details]
Nakasato, N., Nomoto, K.
"Three-dimensional simulations of the chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galactic bulge"
Astrophys. J. 588, 842-851
(2003) [details]
Pavlov, A.
"Effective method for the investigation of stability and dynamics of rotation motion of celestial bodies"
to appear in: Astronomy Lett. (Pis’ma Astron. Zh.)
(2003) [details]
Pavlov, A.I., Maciejewski, A.J.
"An efficient method for studying the stability and dynamics of the rotational motions of celestial bodies"
Astronomy Lett. (Pis'ma Astron. Zh.) 29, 552-566
(2003) [details]
Peñarrubia, J.
"Satellite dynamics in spiral galaxies with dark matter haloes"
Dissertation, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie,
Universität Heidelberg, III+161 Seiten
(2003) [details]
Schilbach, E., Scholz, R.-D., Belikov, A.
"A 3-D survey of the solar neighbourhood with DIVA"
to appear in: The unsolved universe: challenges for the future. Proc. Joint European and
Natl. Astron. Meeting (JENAM 2002), Porto, 2-7 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser.,
EDP Sciences, Les Ulis
(2003) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Dictionary of minor planet names. Fifth ed."
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, XV+992 Seiten
(2003) [details]
Schwan, H.
"Nachruf Trudpert Lederle (1922 - 2002)"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 86, 15-16
(2003) [details]
Sills, A., Deiters, S., Eggleton, P., Freitag, M., Giersz, M., Heggie, D.,
Hurley, J., Hut, P., Ivanova, N., Klessen, R.S., Kroupa, P., LombardiJr.,
J.C., McMillan, S., Portegies Zwart, S., Zinnecker, H.
"MODEST-2: a summary"
New Astron. 8, 605-628
(2003) [details]
Sperauskas, J., Boyle, R.P., Harlow, J., Jahreiß, H., Upgren, A.R.
"An ongoing program of radial velocities of nearby stars"
Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 35, 1273
(2003) [details]
Spurzem, R.
"Formation and evolution of galactic centers"
to appear in: Hensler G., Stasińska, G., Harfst, S., Kroupa, P., Theis, C. (eds.): The
evolution of galaxies. III. From simple approaches to self-consistent models.
Proc. 3rd Euroconf., Kiel, 16-20 July 2002; Astrophys. Space Sci.
(2003) [details]
Spurzem, R.
"Theory of dynamical evolution"
to appear in: Piotto, G. et al. (eds.): New horizons in globular cluster astronomy. Proc.
Conf., Padova, 24-28 June 2002; Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser.
(2003) [details]
Spurzem, R.
"Formation and evolution of galactic nuclei, black holes "
In: Hensler G., Stasińska, G., Harfst, S., Kroupa, P., Theis, C. (eds.):
The evolution of galaxies. III. From simple approaches to self-consistent models.
Proc. 3rd Euroconf., Kiel, 16-20 July 2002; Astrophys. Space Sci. 284, 551-559
(2003) [details]
Spurzem, R., Deiters, S.
"Tanz der Schwarzen Löcher "
Sterne Weltraum 42, Heft 2, 17-19
(2003) [details]
Spurzem, R., Deiters, S., Fiestas, J.
"Theory of dynamical evolution of star clusters "
In: Piotto, G., Meylan, G., Djorgovski, S.G., Riello, M. (eds.): New
horizons in globular cluster astronomy. Proc. Conf., Padova, 24-28 June 2002;
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 296, 45-52
(2003) [details]
Spurzem, R., Kim, E., Lee, H.M.
"The interplay of rotation and relaxation in star clusters and galactic nuclei"
In: Makino, J., Hut, P. (eds.): Astrophysical supercomputing using particle
simulations. Proc. IAU Symp. 208, Tokyo, 10-13 July 2001;
Astron. Soc. Pac., 93-102
(2003) [details]
Spurzem, R., Lin, D.N.C.
"Orbit evolution of planetary systems in stellar clusters"
In: Deming, D., Seager, S. (eds.): Scientific frontiers in research on
extra-solar planets. Proc. Conf., Washington, DC, 18-21 June 2002;
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 294, 217-220
(2003) [details]
Spurzem, R., Makino, J., Fukushige, T., Lienhart, G., Kugel, A., Männer, R.,
Wetzstein, M., Burkert, A., Naab, T.
"Collisional stellar dynamics, gas dynamics and special purpose computing"
to appear in: Ukawa, A.(ed.): Proc. Int. Symp. on Computational Science and Engineering
2002 (ISCSE’02), Tokyo, 5-6 March 2002; Japan Soc. Promotion of Science
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T.
"Dynamical evolution of galactic disks driven by interaction with a satellite"
In: Hensler G., Stasińska, G., Harfst, S., Kroupa, P., Theis, C. (eds.): The
evolution of galaxies. III. From simple approaches to self-consistent models.
Proc. 3rd Euroconf., Kiel, 16-20 July 2002; Astrophys. Space Sci. 284, 515-518
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T.
"Origin of galactic warps"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C. (eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 79-87
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T.
"Effect of LMC on the Galactic warp"
In: Makino, J., Hut, P. (eds.): Astrophysical supercomputing using particle
simulations. Proc. IAU Symp. 208, Tokyo, 10-13 July 2001;
Astron. Soc. Pac., 457-458
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T., Dinescu, D., Korchagin, V.
"On the origin of ω Centauri"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C. (eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis ,219-221
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T., Dinescu, D.I., Korchagin, V.I.
"A capture scenario for the globular cluster ωCentauri"
Astrophys. J. Lett. 589, L29-L32
(2003) [details]
Vilkoviski, E.Y., Spurzem, R., Omarov, C.T.
"Swjosdnaja dinamika v zentralnych chastjach aktivnich jader galactik (Stellar dynamics in the central parts of active galactic nuclei)"
In: Izvestija Nacional’noj Akademii Nauk Respubliki
Kazachstan, Serija fiziko-matematiceskija 4
(2003) [details]
Wielen, R.
"Christfried Kirch"
to appear in: Hockey T. (ed.): Encyclopedia of astronomers. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht
(2003) [details]
Wielen, R.
"Christine Kirch"
to appear in: Hockey T. (ed.): Encyclopedia of astronomers. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht
(2003) [details]
Wielen, R.
"Gottfried Kirch"
to appear in: Hockey T. (ed.): Encyclopedia of astronomers. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht
(2003) [details]
Wielen, R.
"Maria Margaretha Kirch née Winkelmann"
to appear in: Hockey T. (ed.): Encyclopedia of astronomers. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht
(2003) [details]
Wielen, R., Dettbarn, C., Fuchs, B., Jahreiß, H., Lenhardt, H., Schubart, J., Schwan, H.
"The combination of ground-based astrometric compilation catalogues with the HIPPARCOS catalogue. III. Special solutions for astrometric, spectroscopic, and eclipsing binaries and for VIMs "
to appear in: Veröff. Astron. Rechen-Inst. Heidelberg
(2003) [details]
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