Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

ARIPRINT:    Database of publications of the institute

List of publications in the year 1996

This list contains individual papers written by members of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut.

Special publications (annual reports, astronomical bibliographies, ephemerides etc.) are not given here. They are recorded in specific lists.

The papers are listed separately for each year of publication. Within each year, the sequence of the papers is in alphabetic order according to the name of the first author (even if this is not a member of the institute).

[Link to: 1997]

Published in the year 1996:

Bastian, U.
"Hipparcos - ein Astrometrie-Satellit der ESA "
Astron. Raumfahrt 33, Heft 1, 4
(1996) [details]

Bastian, U.
"Release of Hipparcos data: schedule and media "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 77
(1996) [details]

Bastian, U.
"Trigonometrische Parallaxen heute "
Astron. Raumfahrt 33, Heft 5, 10
(1996) [details]

Bastian, U., Born, E., Agerer, F., Dahm, M., Großmann, V., Makarov, V.
"Confirmation of the classification of a new Tycho variable: HD 32456 is a 3.3-day Cepheid "
Inf. Bull. Variable Stars, No. 4306
(1996) [details]

Bastian, U., Röser, S., Hoeg, E., Mandel, H., Seifert, W., Wagner, S., Quirrenbach, A., Schalinski, C., Schilbach, E., Wicenec, A.
"DIVA - an interferometric minisatellite for astrometry and photometry "
Astron. Nachr. 317, 281
(1996) [details]

Bastian, U., Schilbach, E.
"GAIA, the successor of HIPPARCOS in the 21st century "
Rev. Mod. Astron. 9, 87
(1996) [details]

Baumgardt, H., Wielen, R.
"Evolution of the globular cluster system of the Milky Way "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 130
(1996) [details]

Bien, R.
"Peter Andreas Hansen: Der Himmelsmechaniker "
In: Brosche, P., Tucholke, H.-J.: Festschrift fr Peter Andreas Hansen (1795-1874) anläßlich seines 200. Geburtstages; Sonderschriften der Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt 27, 56
(1996) [details]

Biermann, M.
"Korrelationsfunktionen für die Bahnbewegung von Doppelsternen "
Diplomarbeit, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Heidelberg, 115 Seiten
(1996) [details]

Burkhardt, G., Schmadel, L.D., Neckel, T.
"Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1997 "
Barth-Verlag, Heidelberg, 270 Seiten
(1996) [details]

Deiss, B.M., Just, A.
"A hydromagnetic model for the hierarchical structure of molecular clouds"
In: Blitz, L., Teuben, P. (eds.): Unsolved problems of the Milky Way. Proc. IAU Symp. 169, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 23-27 August 1994; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 609
(1996) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R., Weidemann, V., Langer, N.
"Stellar evolution and dynamics of globular clusters "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 136
(1996) [details]

Einsel, C., Spurzem, R.
"Dynamical evolution of stellar systems: rotation "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 138
(1996) [details]

Einsel, C., Spurzem, R.
"Fokker-Planck models for rotating stellar systems "
In: Hut, P., Makino, J. (eds.): Dynamical evolution of star clusters - confrontation of theory and observations. Proc. IAU Symp. 174, Tokyo, Japan, 22-25 August 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 363
(1996) [details]

Fellhauer, M.
"Implementierung einer dissipativen Gaskomponente in das Simulationsprogramm SUPERBOX und Untersuchung der Auswirkungen auf wechselwirkende Galaxien"
Diplomarbeit, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Heidelberg, 117 Seiten
(1996) [details]

Frink, S., Fuchs, B., Röser, S., Wielen, R.
"Derivation of the Galactic rotation curve using space velocities"
Astron. Astrophys. 314, 430
(1996) [details]

Frink, S., Röser, S.
"A search for kinematical members of the Scorpio-Centaurus OB association"
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 80
(1996) [details]

Fuchs, B.
"The fragmentation of uniformly rotating self-gravitating discs "
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 278, 985
(1996) [details]

Fuchs, B., Dettbarn, C., Wielen, R.
"The scatter of metallicities of stars in the solar neighbourhood "
In: Blitz, L., Teuben, P. (eds.): Unsolved problems of the Milky Way. Proc. IAU Symp. 169, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 23-27 August 1994; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 431
(1996) [details]

Fuchs, B., Friese, V., Reffert, H., Wielen, R.
"Interaction of disks and dark haloes of dwarf spirals "
In: Bender, R., Davies, R.L. (eds.): New light on galaxy evolution. Proc. IAU Symp. 171, Heidelberg, Germany, 26-30 June 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 171
(1996) [details]

Fuchs, B., Frink, S., Röser, S., Wielen, R.
"Proper motion study of the Galactic rotation curve "
In: Blitz, L., Teuben, P. (eds.): Unsolved problems of the Milky Way. Proc. IAU Symp. 169, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 23-27 August 1994; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 689
(1996) [details]

Fuchs, B., Wielen, R., von Linden, S.
"Dynamical stability and dynamical evolution of the disks of Sc galaxies "
In: Bender, R., Davies, R.L. (eds.): New light on galaxy evolution. Proc. IAU Symp. 171, Heidelberg, Germany, 26-30 June 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 377
(1996) [details]

Just, A.
"Generalized colour analysis of dusty exponential disks "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 132
(1996) [details]

Just, A.
"The star formation history and the dynamical evolution of galactic disks "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 131
(1996) [details]

Just, A., Fuchs, B., Wielen, R.
"Signatures of the vertical structure of stellar disks in colour profiles of edge-on galaxies "
Astron. Astrophys. 309, 715
(1996) [details]

Just, A., Fuchs, B., Wielen, R., Scorza, C.
"The signatures of galactic disk evolution in vertical colour profiles of edge-on galaxies "
In: Bender, R., Davies, R.L. (eds.): New light on galaxy evolution. Proc. IAU Symp. 171, Heidelberg, Germany, 26-30 June 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 399
(1996) [details]

Just, A., Scorza, C., Wielen, R., Fuchs, B.
"Dynamical evolution and population analysis of galactic disks from optical and infrared colour profiles in edge-on galaxies "
In: Minnitti, D., Rix, H.-W. (eds.): Spiral galaxies in the near-IR. Proc. ESO Workshop, Garching, Germany, 7-9 June 1995; ESO Astrophys. Symp., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 244
(1996) [details]

Just, A., Wielen, R., Fuchs, B., Scorza, C.
"Dynamical evolution of galactic disks from multi-colour profiles in edge-on galaxies "
In: Leitherer, C., Fritze-von Alvensleben, U., Huchra, J. (eds.): From stars to galaxies: the impact of stellar physics on galaxy evolution. Proc. Conf., Crete, Greece, 9-13 October 1995; ASP Conf. Ser. 98, San Francisco, p. 557
(1996) [details]

Kroupa, P.
"Binary rich birth aggregates: the dominant mode of star formation "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 10
(1996) [details]

Kroupa, P.
"dSph galaxies and the Galactic tidal field "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 134
(1996) [details]

Kroupa, P.
"Dynamically equivalent stellar clusters "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 133
(1996) [details]

Lenhardt, H.
"Peter Andreas Hansen: Die geodätischen Arbeiten "
In: Brosche, P., Tucholke, H.-J.: Festschrift für Peter Andreas Hansen (1795-1874) anläßlich seines 200. Geburtstages; Sonderschriften der Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt 27, 75
(1996) [details]

Morrison, J.E., Röser, S., Lasker, B.M., Smart, R.L., Taff, L.G.
"A Schmidt plate coma-like term "
Astron. J. 111, 1405
(1996) [details]

Perryman, M.A.C., Lindegren, L., Arenou, F., Bastian, U., Bernstein, H.-H., van Leeuwen, F., Schrijver, H., Bernacca, P.L., Evans, D.W., Falin, J.L., Froeschle, M., Grenon, M., Hering, R., Hoeg, E., Kovalevsky, J., Mignard, F., Murray, C.A., Penston, M.J., Petersen, C.S., Le Poole, R.S., Söderhjelm, S., Turon, C.
"Hipparcos distances and mass limits for the planetary candidates: 47 Ursae Majoris, 70 Virginis, and 51 Pegasi"
Astron. Astrophys. 310, L21
(1996) [details]

Röser, S.
"The DIVA space mission - instrument, satellite and mission concept "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 71
(1996) [details]

Röser, S.
"An updated GSC as the astrometric reference for minor planet observations "
In: Ferraz-Mello, S., Morando, B., Arlot, J.-E. (eds.): Dynamics, ephemerides and astrometry of the solar system. Proc. IAU Symp. 172, Paris, France, 3-8 July 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 481
(1996) [details]

Röser, S., Morrison, J.E., Lasker, B.M., McLean, B.J., Bucciarelli, B.
"Construction and properties of GSC 1.2 "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 78
(1996) [details]

Schmadel, L.D., Schmeer, P., Börngen, F.
"TU Leonis = (8) Flora: the non-existence of a U Geminorum star"
Astron. Astrophys. 312, 496
(1996) [details]

Seibert, J.
"Entwicklung einer methodischen Suche nach offenen Sternhaufen in großen Sternkatalogen "
Diplomarbeit, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Heidelberg, 65 Seiten
(1996) [details]

Sommerlade, F., Spurzem, R.
"A selfconsistent moment model of globular clusters "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 139
(1996) [details]

Spurzem, R.
"Fluid techniques and evolution of anisotropy "
In: Hut, P., Makino, J. (eds.): Dynamical evolution of star clusters - confrontation of theory and observations. Proc. IAU Symp. 174, Tokyo, Japan, 22-25 August 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 111
(1996) [details]

Spurzem, R., Aarseth, S.J.
"Direct collisional simulation of 100000 particles past core collapse "
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 282, 19
(1996) [details]

Spurzem, R., Einsel, C., Theis, C.
"GRAPE und HARP: Spezialrechner für Simulationen von Sternhaufen und Galaxien "
Sterne Weltraum 35, 190
(1996) [details]

Spurzem, R., Giersz, M.
"Stochastic binaries in continuum models of globular clusters "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 141
(1996) [details]

Spurzem, R., Giersz, M.
"A stochastic Monte-Carlo approach to model real star cluster evolution. I. The model "
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 283, 805
(1996) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Effects of precession uncertainties on planetary ephemerides "
In: Ferraz-Mello, S., Morando, B., Arlot, J.-E. (eds.): Dynamics, ephemerides and astrometry in the solar system. Proc. IAU Symp. 172, Paris, France, 3-8 July 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 475
(1996) [details]

Walter, H.G., Sovers, O.J.
"Precession and nutation from the analysis of positions of extragalactic radio sources "
Astron. Astrophys. 308, 1001
(1996) [details]

Waßmer, N., Bien, R., Wielen, R.
"Dynamics of massive black holes in the center of interacting galaxies "
In: Bender, R., Davies, R.L.: New light on galaxy evolution. Proc. IAU Symp. 171, Heidelberg, Germany, 26-30 June 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 466
(1996) [details]

Wicenec, A., Großmann, V., Wagner, K., Bastian, U., Schwekendiek, P., Egret, D., Halbwachs, J.-L., Fabricius, C., Hoeg, E., Makarov, V.V.
"Properties of the Tycho catalogue "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 78
(1996) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Searching for VIMs: An astrometric method to detect the binary nature of double stars with a variable component"
Astron. Astrophys. 314, 679
(1996) [details]

Wielen, R., Fuchs, B., Dettbarn, C.
"On the birth-place of the Sun and the places of formation of other nearby stars"
Astron. Astrophys. 314, 438
(1996) [details]

[Link to: 1995]

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 03.12.2004