Bastian, U.
"PPM: A Tool for Astronomers"
In: Inertial Coordinate System on the Sky. Proc. IAU Symp.
141, Leningrad, USSR, 17-21 October 1989; J.H. Lieske,
V.K. Abalakin (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 465-467
(1990) [details]
Bastian, U., Röser, S.
"The PPM Star Catalogue - A Successor to the SAO Catalogue "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 4, 59
(1990) [details]
Bien, R., Fuchs, B., Wielen, R.
"A Simplified Numerical Treatment of Encounters Between Galaxies"
In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies. Proc. Int. Conf.,
Heidelberg, Germany, 29 May - 2 June 1989; R. Wielen (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 212-213
(1990) [details]
Bien, R., Jährling, R., Wielen, R.
"Astronomy for the Public: The 'Astronomische Grundlagen für den Kalender' "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 5, 55
(1990) [details]
Brenner, J.
"N-Körper-Simulationsrechnungen zur dynamischen Reibung von Galaxien an einem statischen Hintergrundmedium in Galaxienhaufen "
Diplomarbeit, Fakultät für Physik und Mathematik,
Universität Heidelberg, 53 Seiten
(1990) [details]
Davoust, E., Schmadel, L.D.
"La Production Scientifique des Astronomes a Partir d'une Base Specialisee "
Les Cahiers de l'ADEST, Numero Special, p. 5
(1990) [details]
Dettbarn, C., Fuchs, B., Wielen, R.
"Simulation of Stellar Encounters with Massive Objects in the Galactic Disk "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 5, 82
(1990) [details]
Flynn, C., Morrison, H.L.
"An Automated Technique for Finding Metal Deficient Red Giants "
Astron. J. 100, 1181
(1990) [details]
Fuchs, B.
"Nonlinear Density Waves in Self-Gravitating Gas Sheets "
In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies. Proc. Int. Conf.,
Heidelberg, 29 May - 2 June 1989; R.Wielen (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 350
(1990) [details]
Fuchs, B.
"Nonlinear Density Waves in Self-Gravitating Gas Sheets"
In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies. Proc. Int. Conf.,
Heidelberg, Germany, 29 May - 2 June 1989; R. Wielen (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 350-351
(1990) [details]
Fuchs, B., Wielen, R.
"Kinematical Constraints on the Dynamically Determined Local Mass Density of the Galaxy "
In: Twelfth European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the IAU,
Davos, Switzerland, 8-11 October 1990. Abstracts Book, p. IV-7
(1990) [details]
Gerhard, O.E., Vietri, M.
"Triaxial Bulges in Spiral Galaxies "
In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies. Proc. Int. Conf.,
Heidelberg, 29 May - 2 June 1989; R. Wielen (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 342
(1990) [details]
Gerhard, O.E., Vietri, M.
"Triaxial Bulges in Spiral Galaxies"
In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies. Proc. Int. Conf.,
Heidelberg, Germany, 29 May - 2 June 1989; R. Wielen (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 342-343
(1990) [details]
Gliese, W., Jahreiß, H.
"The Third Catalogue of Nearby Stars. Errors and Uncertainties"
In: Errors, Bias and Uncertainties in Astronomy. Proc.
Colloq., Strasbourg, France, 11-14 September 1989; C.
Jaschek, F. Murtagh (eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press,
Cambridge, UK, p. 161-164
(1990) [details]
Gliese, W., Upgren, A.R.
"Parallaxes: History, Survey and Outlook "
In: Epitome Fundamentorum Astronomiae. Pars III. Parallaxes,
Proper Motions and Radial Velocities; G. Teleki, B. Sevarlic
(eds.), Publ. Obs. Astron. Belgrade 40, 7
(1990) [details]
Gliese, W., Upgren, A.R.
"Parallaxes: History, Survey and Outlook"
In: Epitome Fundamentorum Astronomiae. Pars III. Parallaxes,
Proper Motions and Radial Velocities; G. Teleki, B. Sevarlic
(eds.), Publ. Obs. Astron. Belgrade 40, 7-18
(1990) [details]
Goeres, A., Wielen, R.
"An Approximate Treatment of the Tidal Effects Between Galaxies in N-Body Simulations of Clusters of Galaxies"
In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies. Proc. Int. Conf.,
Heidelberg, Germany, 29 May - 2 June 1989; R. Wielen (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 433-434
(1990) [details]
Hering, R., Walter, H.G.
"Radio Stars for Astrometry"
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 5, 54
(1990) [details]
Leinert, C., Haas, M., Allard, F., Wehrse, R., McCarthy, D.W.,
Jahreiß, H., Perrier, C.
"The Nearby Binary Gliese 866 A/B: Orbit Masses, Temperature and Composition "
Astron. Astrophys. 236, 399
(1990) [details]
Lenhardt, H., Walter, H.G., Hering, R.
"Assessment of Optical and Radio Positions of Stars "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 5, 18
(1990) [details]
Morrison, H.L., Flynn, C., Freeman, K.C.
"Where Does the Disk Stop and the Halo Begin - Kinematics in a Rotation Field "
Astron. J. 100, 1191
(1990) [details]
Röser, S.
"The System of the PPM Catalogue"
In: Inertial Coordinate System on the Sky. Proc. IAU Symp.
141, Leningrad, USSR, 17-21 October 1989; J.H. Lieske,
V.K. Abalakin (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 469-478
(1990) [details]
Röser, S., Bastian, U.
"Introduction to PPM "
Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires 37, 153
(1990) [details]
Scholl, H.
"Testing Tools of Turbulence on a Connection Machine "
In: The Dynamic Sun. Proc. EPS 6th European Solar Meeting,
Debrecen, Hungary, 21-24 May 1990; L. Dezsö (ed.), Publ.
Debrecen Heliophys. Obs. 7, 154
(1990) [details]
Scholl, H., Froeschle, C.
"Orbital Evolution of Known Asteroids in the nu5 Secular Resonance Region "
Astron. Astrophys. 227, 255
(1990) [details]
Scholl, H., Froeschle, C.
"Meteorites from the nu6 Secular Resonance "
In: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors III. Proc. Meeting, Uppsala,
Sweden, 12-16 June 1989; C.-I. Lagerkvist, H. Rickman, B.A.
Lindblad, M. Lindgren (eds.), Astron. Obs. Uppsala, p. 565
(1990) [details]
Schubart, J.
"Summary of the Workshop 'Asteroids and Orbital Resonances' "
In: Asteroids, Comets Meteors III. Proc. Meeting, Uppsala,
Sweden, 12-16 June 1989; C.-I. Lagerkvist, H. Rickman, B.A.
Lindblad, M. Lindgren (eds.), Astron. Obs. Uppsala, p. 609
(1990) [details]
Schubart, J.
"The Low-Eccentricity Gap at the Hilda Group of Asteroids"
In: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors III. Proc. Meeting, Uppsala,
Sweden, 12-16 June 1989; C.-I. Lagerkvist, H. Rickman, B.A.
Lindblad, M. Lindgren (eds.), Astronomical Observatory,
Uppsala, p. 171-174
(1990) [details]
Schwan, H.
"Der Fünfte Fundamentalkatalog (FK5) und seine Bedeutung für die Astronomie "
Sterne Weltraum 29, 352
(1990) [details]
Schwan, H.
"The FK5: Present Status and Some Derived Results"
In: Inertial Coordinate System on the Sky. Proc. IAU Symp.
141, Leningrad, USSR, 17-21 October 1989; J.H. Lieske,
V.K. Abalakin (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 371-381
(1990) [details]
Schwan, H.
"The Hyades Distance Derived from 44 Bright Stars with New High Accurate Proper Motion in the System of the FK5"
Astron. Astrophys. 228, 69-77
(1990) [details]
Schwan, H., Asteriadis, G.
"Application of an Analytical Method Using Products of Legendre and Hermite Polynomials for the Determination of the Velocity Field of Real Crustal Movements "
Bulletino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata (Trieste) 31, 269
(1990) [details]
Schwekendiek, P., Wielen, R.
"The Effect of Tidal Braking Between Galaxies on the Formation and Evolution of Clusters of Galaxies"
In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies. Proc. Int. Conf.,
Heidelberg, Germany, 29 May - 2 June 1989; R. Wielen (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 435-437
(1990) [details]
Walter, H.G.
"Corrections to the Luni-Solar Precession from Radio Positions of Extragalactic Objects"
In: Inertial Coordinate System on the Sky. Proc. IAU Symp.
141, Leningrad, USSR, 17-21 October 1989; J.H. Lieske,
V.K. Abalakin (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 285-292
(1990) [details]
Walter, H.G., Hering, R., de Vegt, C.
"An Astrometric Catalogue of Radio Stars"
Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser. 86, 357-393
(1990) [details]
Walter, H.G., Xu, Tongqi
"Linking of Stellar Reference Frames to the Extragalactic Radio Reference Frame "
Paper presented at the at the 41st Int. Astronaut. Congress,
Dresden, Germany, 6-12 October 1990; 5 Seiten. Available from
the Aerospace Database of the American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics (AIAA)
(1990) [details]
Wielen, R.
"On the Disruption Times of Star Clusters in the Presence of a Galactic Tidal Field "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 4, 55
(1990) [details]
Wielen, R.
"A Comprehensive Astrometric Data Base: An Instrument for Combining Earth-Bound Observations with HIPPARCOS Data"
In: Inertial Coordinate System on the Sky. Proc. IAU Symp.
141, Leningrad, USSR, 17-21 October 1989; J.H. Lieske,
V.K. Abalakin (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 483-488
(1990) [details]
Wielen, R. (Editor and Introduction)
"Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies "
Proceedings of the International Conference, Heidelberg, 29 May
- 2 June 1989, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, XV + 518 Seiten
(1990) [details]
Wielen, R., Fuchs, B.
"Age-Dependence and Distribution of the Velocities of Disk Stars and Implications of a Possible Disruption of Globular Clusters by Massive Black Holes"
In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies. Proc. Int. Conf.,
Heidelberg, Germany, 29 May - 2 June 1989; R. Wielen (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 318-327
(1990) [details]
Wielen, R., Lederle, T.
"Obituary: Walter Ernst Fricke (1915-1988) "
Q. J. R. Astron. Soc. 31, 515
(1990) [details]
Zhu, S.Y., Groten, E., Walter, H.G.
"Astronomical Constants in the Relativistic Framework "
In: Geodesy and Physics of the Earth. Proc. 6th Int. Symp.,
Potsdam, GDR, 22-27 August 1988, Part I. Veröff.
Zentralinst. Phys. Erde (Potsdam) 102, 216
(1990) [details]
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