Bien, R.
"Long-Period Effects in the Motion of Trojan Asteroids and of Fictitious Objects at the 1/1 Resonance. Fictitious Objects"
Astron. Astrophys. 68, 295-301
(1978) [details]
Bien, R., du Mont, B.
"Erweiterung des fundamentalen Bezugskoordinatensystems auf schwache Sterne"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 201-202
(1978) [details]
Bien, R., Fricke, W., Lederle, T., Schwan, H.
"Methods for the Comparison of Systems of Star Positions to be applied in the Construction of the FK5"
Veröffentlichungen Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
Heidelberg, No. 29,
Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 21 pages
(1978) [details]
Biermann, P., Wielen, R.
"Encounters of Spherical Galaxies: N-Body Simulations and Comparison with Theoretical Predictions"
In: The Large Scale Structure of the Universe, Proc. IAU
Symp. 79, Tallinn, USSR, 12-16 September 1977; M.S. Longair,
J. Einasto (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 121-122
Publ. Comp., Dordrecht, Holland
(1978) [details]
du Mont, B.
"A Rediscussion of Determinations of Precession and Galactic Rotation from Lick Proper Motions Referred to Galaxies"
Astron. Astrophys. 66, 441-451
(1978) [details]
Fricke, W.
"Work on the New Fundamental Reference Coordinate System, the FK5"
Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires 15, 70-76
(1978) [details]
Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"Über die Herkunft der Meteorite aus dem Planetoidengürtel "
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 128
(1978) [details]
Gliese, W.
"Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams and Color-Luminosity Diagrams for the Stars Nearer than Twenty-two Parsecs"
In: The HR Diagram, Proc. IAU Symp. 80, Washington, DC, USA,
2-5 December 1977; A.G. Davis Philip, D.G. Hayes (eds.),
Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 79-88
(1978) [details]
Gondolatsch, F., Groschopf, G., Zimmermann, O.
"Astronomie I (in der Reihe "Studienbücher Physik") "
Verlag E. Klett, Stuttgart
(1978) [details]
Keenan, D.W.
"Stellar Collisions near a large Black Hole "
Monthly Notices RAS 185, 398
(1978) [details]
Lederle, T.
"Accuracy of Fundamental Positions and Proper Motions"
Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires 14, 62-68
(1978) [details]
Lohmann, W.
"Entweichgeschwindigkeiten und mittlere Geschwindigkeiten in Stern- und Galaxienhaufen"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 53, 411-413
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Der Kleine Planet (85) Io in der Opposition 1977 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 98
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Kleine Planeten - I. bis IV. Quartal 1978 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, S. 37, S. 144, S. 308
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Totale Mondfinsternis 16. September 1978 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 221
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Deininger, H.
"Test: Mikrocomputer PET 2001 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 342
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Schubart, J.
"A Search for High-Inclination Minor Planets "
The Messenger No. 14, 19
(1978) [details]
Scholl, H., Froeschle, C.
"Die dynamische Topologie von Resonanzfällen im Planetoidengürtel "
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 126
(1978) [details]
Schubart, J.
"Bahndynamik der Körper des Planetensystems "
In: Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Planeten, 1.
DFG-Kolloquium über Planetenforschung, S. 47. Hrsg.: MPI
für Physik und Astrophysik, Inst. f. Extraterr. Physik,
(1978) [details]
Schubart, J.
"New Results on the Commensurability Cases of the Problem Sun- Jupiter-Asteroid"
In: Dynamics of Planets of Satellites and Theories of Their
Motion, Proc. IAU Colloq. 41, Cambridge, UK, 17-19 August 1976;
V. Szebehely (ed.), Astrophys. Space Sci. Lib. 72, Reidel,
Dordrecht, p. 137-143
(1978) [details]
Schwan, H., Wöhl, H.
"On Possible Giant Cell Circulations of the Solar Ca hoch+-Network"
Astron. Astrophys. 70, 297-302
(1978) [details]
Walter, H.G.
"Radiointerferometrie als Wegbereiter eines radioastronomischen Bezugssystem "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 157
(1978) [details]
Walter, H.G.
"Modellrechnungen zur radiointerferometrischen Bestimmung astronomischer Konstanten"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 202-205
(1978) [details]
Walter, H.G.
"Zero-point determination of the reference system by radio interferometry"
In: Space Oceanography, Navigation and Geodynamics. Proc.
European Workshop, Schloß Elmau, Germany, 16-21 January
1978; ESA SP-137, p. 339-340
(1978) [details]
Wielen, R.
"Drift and Broadening of Ageing Spiral Arms "
Proc. IAU Symp. No. 77, Structure and Properties of Nearby
Galaxies, p. 93. Eds. E. Berkhuijsen and R. Wielebinski, Reidel
Publ. Comp., Dordrecht, Holland
(1978) [details]
Wielen, R.
"Kinematics and Structure of the Ursa Major Star Cluster "
Bull. American Astron. Soc. 10, 408
(1978) [details]
Wielen, R.
"The Density-Wave Theory of Spiral Galaxies - Comparison between Theory and Observations "
Uppsala Astron. Observ. Report No. 12, Star and Star Systems,
p. A19
(1978) [details]
Wielen, R.
"Der nahe offene Sternhaufen in Ursa Major"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 261-262
(1978) [details]
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