Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

ARIPRINT:    Database of publications of the institute

List of publications in the year 1966

This list contains individual papers written by members of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut.

Special publications (annual reports, astronomical bibliographies, ephemerides etc.) are not given here. They are recorded in specific lists.

The papers are listed separately for each year of publication. Within each year, the sequence of the papers is in alphabetic order according to the name of the first author (even if this is not a member of the institute).

[Link to: 1967]

Published in the year 1966:

Brosche, P.
"Mira prior to Fabricius "
Int. Bull. Var. Stars 149
(1966) [details]

Brosche, P.
"Zur Bewegung des Krebsnebels"
Z. Astrophys. 64, 1-10
(1966) [details]

Brosche, P.
"Representation of Systematic Differences in Positions and Proper Motions of Stars by Spherical Harmonics"
Veröffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts Heidelberg, Nr. 17, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 27 Seiten
(1966) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Arguments in Favour of the Revision of the Conventional System of Astronomical Constants "
IAU-Transactions, Vol. XII B, 604
(1966) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Probleme der fundamentalen Astrometrie und deren Beziehung zur Milchstraßenforschung"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 21, 47-62
(1966) [details]

Fricke, W.
"The Influence of Proper Motion Systems on the Determination of Statistical Parallaxes"
Vistas Astron. 8, 205-214
(1966) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Cape Catalogue of Circumpolar Stars for the Equinox 1950.0 (reduced by W. Gliese) "
Roy. Obs. Bulletins No. 106
(1966) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Der Blick zum galaktischen Zentrum "
Sterne und Weltraum 5, 156
(1966) [details]

Güntzel-Lingner, U.
"Die erfolgreich gestarteten künstlichen Erdsatelliten und Raumsonden (1965 März 19 bis 1966 Juni 3) "
Sterne und Weltraum 5, 35
(1966) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Perioden-Helligkeitsbeziehungen von RR Lyrae-Sternen in kugelförmigen Sternhaufen "
AN 289, 99
(1966) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Das relative Potential des Coma-Haufens "
ZfA 64, 440
(1966) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Antwort an Herrn Bredichin "
AJ UdSSR 43, 697
(1966) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Comet Tempel-Tuttle: Recovery of the Long-Lost Comet of the November Meteors "
Science 152, 1236
(1966) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Special Cases of the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies "
IAU-Symposium No. 25, 187
(1966) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Neue Arbeiten zur Himmelsmechanik "
Mitt. Astron. Gesellsch. Nr. 21, 63
(1966) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Special cases of the restricted problem of three bodies"
In: The Theory of Orbits in the Solar System and in Stellar Systems, Proc. IAU Symp. 25, Thessaloniki, Greece, 17-22 August 1964; G. Contopoulos (ed.), Academic Press, London, p. 187-193
(1966) [details]

Schubart, J., Stumpff, P.
"On an N-Body Program of High Accuracy for the Computation of Ephemerides of Minor Planets and Comets"
Veröffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts Heidelberg, Nr. 18, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 31 Seiten
(1966) [details]

Stumpff, P.
"Der Massenverlust der Kometen und seine astrophysikalischen und himmelsmechanischen Konsequenzen "
Heidelberger Jahrbücher 10, 97
(1966) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Dynamische Entwicklung von Sternhaufen-Modellen "
Mitt. Astron. Gesellsch. Nr. 21, 124
(1966) [details]

[Link to: 1965]

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 03.12.2004