Database of publications of the institute
List of publications in the year 1914
This list contains individual papers written by members of the
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut.
Special publications (annual reports, astronomical bibliographies,
ephemerides etc.) are not given here. They are recorded in specific lists.
The papers are listed separately for each year of publication.
Within each year, the sequence of the papers is in alphabetic order
according to the name of the first author (even if this is not a member of
the institute).
[Link to: 1915]
Published in the year 1914:
Cohn, F.
"Identifizierungsnachweis der kleinen Planeten"
Veröffentlichungen des Königlichen Astronomischen
Rechen-Instituts zu Berlin, Nr. 42;
Verlagsbuchhandlung Ferd. Dümmler, 32 Seiten
(1914) [details]
[Link to: 1913]
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