Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

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Preprint No. 68

Author(s): Spurzem, R.
Title: A parallel implementation of an Aarseth N-body integrator on the CRAY T3D
Source: to appear in Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.
Year: 1997
Abstract: The implementation of the most recent collisional Aarseth N-body integrator with Ahmad-Cohen scheme NBODY6++ on a general purpose massively parallel computer (CRAY T3D) is described. The performance is compared to standard computers and the results are compared to previous performance analyses of direct N-body integrators. A critical revisit of the optimal neighbour number in Ahmad-Cohen schemes shows, that for some special purpose and parallel computers it is much smaller than expected.
Preprint issued: February 1997

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 02.08.2004