Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

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Paper 2001029

Author(s): Khalisi, E.
Title: Shortening of core collapse time in star clusters with two masses
Source: In: Yatskiv, Ya.S. (ed.): Astronomy in Ukraine - 2000 and beyond. Proc. Conf., Kiev, 5-8 June 2000. Kinematics Phys. Celest. Bodies, Suppl. Ser., No. 3, 163-166
Year: 2000
Abstract: We present high accuracy N-body simulations of isolated star clusters consisting of two distinct mass components, m1 and m2 and vary their relative ratio μ = m2/m1. The mass fraction of the more massive component relative to the total mass, q = M2/Mtot, is set equal to 0.1 in all cases. We determine the average star mass within a fixed "Lagrangian shell". It is found that the time of first core collapse is reduced by the ratio μ with respect to a cluster with uniform masses.
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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 02.07.2004