Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

ARIPRINT:    Database of publications of the institute

Paper 1998066

Author(s): Hirte, S., Scholz, R.-D., Röser, S., Bastian, U., Schilbach, E.
Title: On-board reduction of dispersed fringes for DIVA
Source: In: Brosche, P., Dick, W.R., Schwarz, O., Wielen, R. (eds.): The message of the angles - astrometry from 1798 to 1998. Proc. AG Spring Meeting, Gotha, 11-15 May 1998, Acta Hist. Astron. 3; Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt, 213
Year: 1998
Preprint issued:

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 02.07.2004