Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

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Paper 1998030

Author(s): Neuhäuser, R., Wolk, S.J., Torres, G., Preibisch, T., Stout-Batalha, N.M., Hatzes, A.P., Frink, S., Wichmann, R., Covino, E., Alcalá, J.M., Brandner, W., Walter, F.M., Sterzik, M.F., Köhler, R.
Title: Optical and X-ray monitoring, Doppler imaging, and space motion of the young star Par 1724 in Orion
Source: Astron. Astrophys. 334, 873-894
Year: 1998
Preprint issued:

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 02.07.2004