Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

ARIPRINT:    Database of publications of the institute

Paper 1985020

Author(s): Gliese, W.
Title: Differences between the Absolute Magnitudes of Main-Sequence Stars Determined from Colours B-V and those Determined from Red Colours R-I or V-I or V-R
Source: In: La Composition Chimique des Etoiles dans le Voisinage Solaire, Comptes Rendus sur les Journees de Strasbourg, 7. Reunion, A. Florsch, C. Jaschek, M. Jaschek (eds.), Observatoire de Strasbourg, p. 85
Year: 1985
Preprint issued:

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 12.10.2001