Author(s): | Wielen, R., Fuchs, B. |
Title: | Star Clusters and the Thickness of the Galactic Disk as Probes of the Outer Galaxy |
Source: | In: The Outer Galaxy. Proc. Symp. in Honor of Frank J. Kerr, College Park, Md., USA, 28-29 May 1987; L. Blitz, F.J. Lockman (eds.), Lect. Notes Phys. 306, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 100-106 |
Year: | 1988 |
Abstract: | Properties of star clusters and the thickness of the galactic disk, especially their variation with galactocentric distance, provide tests for the physical conditions in different parts of a galaxy. We discuss especially the radial variation of the dissolution times of open clusters, and the radial variation of the disk thickness under various circumstances. |
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