Ardi, E., Tsuchiya, T., Burkert, A.
"Constraints on the clumpiness of dark matter halos through heating of the disk galaxies"
Astrophys. J. 596, 204-215
(2003) [details]
Ardi, E., Tsuchiya, T., Burkert, A.
"Constraints on the clumpiness of dark matter halos through heating of the disk galaxies"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C.(eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 95-100
(2003) [details]
Boily, C.M., Tsuchiya, T., Spurzem, R.
"The mechanics of dark matter halo formation"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C. (eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 133-138
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T.
"Dynamical evolution of galactic disks driven by interaction with a satellite"
In: Hensler G., Stasińska, G., Harfst, S., Kroupa, P., Theis, C. (eds.): The
evolution of galaxies. III. From simple approaches to self-consistent models.
Proc. 3rd Euroconf., Kiel, 16-20 July 2002; Astrophys. Space Sci. 284, 515-518
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T.
"Origin of galactic warps"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C. (eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 79-87
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T.
"Effect of LMC on the Galactic warp"
In: Makino, J., Hut, P. (eds.): Astrophysical supercomputing using particle
simulations. Proc. IAU Symp. 208, Tokyo, 10-13 July 2001;
Astron. Soc. Pac., 457-458
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T., Dinescu, D., Korchagin, V.
"On the origin of ω Centauri"
In: Boily, C.M., Patsis, P., Portegies Zwart, S., Spurzem, R., Theis, C. (eds.):
Galactic & stellar dynamics. Proc. Workshop at JENAM-2002 Conf., Porto,
3-6 September 2002; EAS Publ. Ser. 10, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis ,219-221
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T., Dinescu, D.I., Korchagin, V.I.
"A capture scenario for the globular cluster ωCentauri"
Astrophys. J. Lett. 589, L29-L32
(2003) [details]
Tsuchiya, T.
"Contribution of the Large Magellanic Cloud to the Galactic warp"
New Astron. 7, 293-315
(2002) [details]
Ardi, E., Tsuchiya, T., Burkert, A.
"Contribution of dark matter clumps on heating of disc galaxies."
In: Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 18, 50
(2001) [details]
Ideta, M., Hozumi, S., Tsuchiya, T., Takizawa, M.
"Time evolution of galactic warps in prolate halos"
In: Deiters, S., Fuchs, B., Just, A., Spurzem, R., Wielen, R. (eds.):
Dynamics of star clusters and the Milky Way.
Proc. AG Conf., Heidelberg, 20-24 March 2000;
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 228, p.455-457
(2001) [details]
Korchagin, V., Tsuchiya, T., Miyama, S.M.
"On the origin of faint intracluster starlight in Coma"
Astrophys. J. 549, 244-247
(2001) [details]
Korchagin, V., Tsuchiya, T., Miyama, S.M.
"Origin of faint stellar plumes in Coma cluster of galaxies"
In: Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 18, 60
(2001) [details]
Tsuchiya, T.
"Interaction with a satellite and the Galactic warp "
In: Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 18, 50
(2001) [details]
Ardi, E., Ganesha, J., Tsuchiya, T., Inagaki, S.
"The effects of cosmic expansion on relaxation of systems of galaxies"
In : Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 17, 75
(2000) [details]
Ideta, M., Hozumi, S., Tsuchiya, T., Takizawa, M.
"Time evolution of galactic warps in prolate haloes"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 311, 733-740
(2000) [details]
Ideta, M., Hozumi, S., Tsuchiya, T., Takizawa, M.
"Time evolution of galactic warps in prolate haloes"
In: Schlieke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 16, 31
(2000) [details]
Tsuchiya, T., Shimada, M.
"Orbital deformation of satellites by dynamical friction in spherical halos with anisotropic velocity dispersion"
In: Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 17, 29
(2000) [details]
Tsuchiya, T., Shimada, M.
"Orbital deformation of satellites by dynamical friction in spherical halos with anisotropic velocity dispersion"
Astrophys. J. 532, 294-301
(2000) [details]
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