see also: Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts
Schmadel, L.D.
"Dictionary of minor planet names. Fifth ed."
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, XV+992 Seiten
(2003) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Biographische Notizen zu Felix Linke - ein unbekannter Mitentdecker des Kleinen Planeten (433) Eros"
In: Beiträge zur Astronomiegeschichte 5; Acta Historica Astronomiae 15, 221-230
(2002) [details]
Scholl, H., Schmadel, L.D.
"Discovery circumstances of the first near-Earth asteroid (433) Eros"
In: Beiträge zur Astronomiegeschichte 5; Acta Historica Astronomiae 15, 210-220
(2002) [details]
Rohloff, R.-R., Pitz, E., Hawarden, T., Rees, N.,
Atad-Ettedgui, E., Kaufmann, H.W., Schmadel, L.D.
"Lightweighted secondary mirror for the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope"
Roybal, W. (ed.): Advanced telescope design.
Proc. SPIE 3785 (1999), 152-159
(1999) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Dictionary of minor planet names. Fourth ed. (incl. CD-ROM)"
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, XV+1319 Seiten (1999)
(1999) [details]
Burkhardt, G., Schmadel, L.D., Neckel, T.
"Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1999"
Barth-Verlag, Heidelberg, 345 Seiten
(1998) [details]
Demleitner, M., Burkhardt, G., Hefele, H., Heinrich, I., Schmadel, L.D., Wielen, R.
"The on-line bibliographical data base ARIBIB for astronomical references"
Library and information services in astronomy III (LISA III).
Proc. Conf., Tenerife, Spain, 21-24 April 1998;
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 153;
San Francisco, 265-268
(1998) [details]
Burkhardt, G., Schmadel, L.D., Neckel, T.
"Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1998"
Barth-Verlag, Heidelberg, 344 Seiten
(1997) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Third, revised and enlarged edition"
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, XIV+940 Seiten
(1997) [details]
Burkhardt, G., Schmadel, L.D., Neckel, T.
"Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1997 "
Barth-Verlag, Heidelberg, 270 Seiten
(1996) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Schmeer, P., Börngen, F.
"TU Leonis = (8) Flora: the non-existence of a U Geminorum star"
Astron. Astrophys. 312, 496
(1996) [details]
Burkhardt, G., Schmadel, L.D., Marx, S.
"Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1996 "
Barth-Verlag, Leipzig, 270 Seiten
(1995) [details]
Burkhardt, G., Schmadel, L.D., Marx, S.
"Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1995 "
Barth-Verlag, Leipzig, 216 Seiten
(1994) [details]
Börngen, F., Schmadel, L.D.
"Beobachtungen Kleiner Planeten. XIII "
Astron. Nachr. 314, 423
(1993) [details]
Burkhardt, G., Schmadel, L.D., Marx, S.
"Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1994 "
J.A. Barth, Leipzig, 198 Seiten
(1993) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Second Revised and Enlarged Edition "
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, IX + 741 Seiten
(1993) [details]
Börngen, F., Schmadel, L.D.
"Beobachtungen Kleiner Planeten. XI "
Astron. Nachr. 312, 393
(1992) [details]
Börngen, F., Schmadel, L.D.
"Beobachtungen Kleiner Planeten. XII "
Astron. Nachr. 313, 303
(1992) [details]
Davoust, E., Schmadel, L.D.
"A Study of the Publishing Activity of Astronomers since 1969 "
Scientometrics 22, 9
(1992) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Dictionary of Minor Planet Names "
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, X + 687 Seiten
(1992) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"The ESO Minor Planet Sky"
Messenger 69, 32
(1992) [details]
Davoust, E., Schmadel, L.D.
"La Production Scientifique des Astronomes a Partir d'une Base Specialisee "
Les Cahiers de l'ADEST, Numero Special, p. 5
(1990) [details]
Davoust, E., Schmadel, L.D.
"Les Publications des Astronomes depuis 1969 "
In: Evaluation et Systemes d'Information Documentaire. Proc.
Colloq., Bordeaux, France, 24-25 November 1988. Revue Francaise
de Bibliometrie, Special Issue, p. 154
(1989) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Words for Searching -- Key Words "
In: Proc. IAU Colloq. 110, Library and Information Services in
Astronomy, Washington, DC, 27 July - 1 August 1988; G.A.
Wilkins, S. Stevens-Rayburn (eds.), US Naval Obs., Washington,
DC, p. 65
(1989) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts - Present Status and Future Plans "
In: Proc. IAU Colloq. 110, Library and Information Services in
Astronomy, Washington, DC, 27 July - 1 August 1988; G.A.
Wilkins, S. Stevens-Rayburn (eds.), US Naval Obs., Washington,
DC, p. 77
(1989) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., West, R.M.
"Recovery of the Long Lost Minor Planet (1179) Mally"
Astron. Nachr. 309, 223-225
(1988) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Zech, G.
"Empirical Transformations from U.T. to E.T. for the Period 1800-1988"
Astron. Nachr. 309, 219-221
(1988) [details]
Davoust, E., Schmadel, L.D.
"A Study of the Publishing Activity of Astronomers since 1969"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 99, 700-710
(1987) [details]
Scholl, H., Schmadel, L.D., Röser, S.
"The Mass of the Asteroid (10) Hygiea Derived from Observations of (829) Academia"
Astron. Astrophys. 179, 311-317
(1987) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Definitive Orbit of Minor Planet (29) Amphitrite from 91 Oppositions 1825-1985 and a New Determination of the Mass of Jupiter"
Astron. Nachr. 307, 363-370
(1986) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Guidelines for Abstracts and other Bibliographic Items in the Astronomical Literature as Proposed by the IAU Commission 5 Special Working Group on Guidelines for Abstracts, Second Report "
Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires 28, 95
(1985) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., West, R.M., Madsen, C.
"The Adalberta mystery "
Sky Telesc. 65, 33
(1983) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts: A Status Report "
In: IAU Coll. No. 64, Automated Data Retrieval in Astronomy,
(1982) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Die Identität A899 OF = (1) Ceres "
Sterne und Weltraum 21, 114
(1982) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Catalogue of minor planet identities. I. Identities with planets (1) - (2297)"
Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser. 49, 691-707
(1982) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Kohoutek, L.
"Recovery of the Long Lost Minor Planet (843) Nicolaia after 65 Years"
Astron. Nachr. 303, 139-141
(1982) [details]
West, R.M., Madsen, C., Schmadel, L.D.
"On the reality of minor planet (330) Adalberta "
Astron. Astrophys. 110, 198
(1982) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Verschollene Kleine Planeten - ein Statusreport "
Sterne und Weltraum 20, 103
(1981) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Kleine Planeten - Frühjahr-Sommer 1981 "
Sterne und Weltraum 20, 154
(1981) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Kleine Planeten - 2. Halbjahr 1981: Eine sehr günstige Opposition von (433) Eros "
Sterne und Weltraum 20, 335
(1981) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Wiederauffindung des Kleinen Planeten (843) Nicolaia nach 65 Jahren "
Sterne und Weltraum 20, 338
(1981) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Kleine Planeten 1980 "
Sterne und Weltraum 19, 36 und 188
(1980) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Definitive Bahn des Kleinen Planeten (737) Arequipa aus 28 Oppositionen 1912-1978 "
Sterne und Weltraum 19, 60
(1980) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Recovery of the Long Lost Minor Planet (1370) Hella"
Astron. Nachr. 301, 251-252
(1980) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Ten Years of "Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts" "
Bull. Inf. CDS Strasbourg, No. 17, 2
(1979) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Kleine Planeten - 1979 "
Sterne und Weltraum 18, S. 33, S. 241
(1979) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"10 Jahre "Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts" "
Sterne und Weltraum 18, 294
(1979) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Definitive Orbit of Minor Planet (85) Io from Observations 1865-1977"
Astron. Nachr. 300, 111-114
(1979) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Ten Years of "Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts""
Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires 17, 2-11
(1979) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Schubart, J., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.
"A Survey for High-inclination Minor Planets"
Astron. Astrophys. 76, 130-131
(1979) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Zech, G.
"Polynomial Approximations for the Correction Delta T = E.T.- U.T. in the Period 1800-1975"
Acta Astron. 29, 101-104
(1979) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Der Kleine Planet (85) Io in der Opposition 1977 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 98
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Kleine Planeten - I. bis IV. Quartal 1978 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, S. 37, S. 144, S. 308
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Totale Mondfinsternis 16. September 1978 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 221
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Deininger, H.
"Test: Mikrocomputer PET 2001 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 342
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D., Schubart, J.
"A Search for High-Inclination Minor Planets "
The Messenger No. 14, 19
(1978) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Zur quantitativen Optikprüfung durch den klassischen Hartmann-Test "
Sterne und Weltraum 16, 18
(1977) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Schmidtsysteme ohne Korrektionsplatte "
Sterne und Weltraum 16, 214
(1977) [details]
Schmadel, L.D.
"Improved Elements of the Long Lost Minor Planet (1206) Numerowia"
Astron. Nachr. 298, 221-223
(1977) [details]
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