Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

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List of papers per author


Einsel, C.

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Kim, E., Einsel, C., Lee, H.M., Spurzem, R., Lee, M.G.
"Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems - II. Post-collapse, equal-mass system"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 334, 310-322
(2002) [details]

Einsel, C.
"The evolution of rotating collisional systems - application of a parallelized Fokker-Planck-code"
In: Ebizusaki, T. (ed.): New horizon of computational science Proc. Symp., Tokyo, 1-3 September 1997; Kluwer Academic Publ., Dodrecht, 219-222
(2001) [details]

Einsel, C.
"The evolution of rotating collisional systems - application of a parallelized Fokker-Planck-code"
to appear in Ebizusaki, T. (ed.): New horizon of computational science. Proc. Symp., Tokyo, 1-3 September 1997; Terra Scientific Publ., Tokyo
(2000) [details]

Einsel, C., Spurzem, R.
"Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems: I. Pre-collapse, equal mass system"
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 302, 81-95
(1999) [details]

Spurzem, R., Einsel, C.
"Simulations of star clusters and galactic nuclei: rotation and other challenges"
To appear in: Merritt, D.R., Valluri, M., Sellwood, J.A. (eds.): Galaxy dynamics. Proc. Conf. Rutgers Univ., 8-12 August 1998; Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser.; San Francisco
(1999) [details]

Duschl, W., Einsel, C. (eds.)
"Dynamics of galaxies and galactic nuclei"
Proc. SFB Workshop, Heidelberg, 3-5 November 1997; ITA Heidelberg, Proc. Ser. 2 (1998), 279 Seiten
(1998) [details]

Duschl, W.J., Einsel, C. (Editors)
"Dynamics of galaxies and galactic nuclei"
Proceedings of the international workshop of the SFB 328 "Evolution of Galaxis", Heidelberg, 3-5 November 1997, ITA Heidelberg Proc. Ser. 2, 279 Seiten
(1998) [details]

Einsel, C.
"The evolution of rotating collisional systems - application of a parallelized Fokker-Planck-code"
to appear In: Ebizusaki, T. (ed.): Proc. Int. Symp. on supercomputing - new Horizon of Computational Science, Tokyo, Japan, 1-3 September 1997; Kluwer, Dordrecht
(1998) [details]

Einsel, C.
"Modeling star clusters around galaxy centres"
In: Duschl, W.J., Einsel, C. (eds.): Dynamics of galaxies and galactic nuclei. ITA Heidelberg Proc. Ser. 2, 31-35
(1998) [details]

Einsel, C.
"Modeling star clusters around galaxy nuclei"
Duschl, W., Einsel, C. (eds.): Dynamics of galaxies and galactic nuclei. ITA Heidelberg Proc. Ser. 2 (1998), 31-35
(1998) [details]

Einsel, C.
"Dynamische Entwicklung rotierender Sternsysteme"
Dissertation, Math.-Naturwiss. Fakultät, Universität Kiel 1996; publ. in der Reihe: Berichte aus der Astronomie, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 121 Seiten
(1997) [details]

Einsel, C.
"Mass segregation in rotating globular clusters"
Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 13, 51
(1997) [details]

Einsel, C., Spurzem, R.
"On the rotation of early globular clusters"
In: Abstracts book of the XXIIIrd General Assembly of the IAU, Kyoto, Japan; Abstr. No. JD15-022P, p. 79
(1997) [details]

Einsel, C., Spurzem, R.
"Dynamical evolution of stellar systems: rotation "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 138
(1996) [details]

Einsel, C., Spurzem, R.
"Fokker-Planck models for rotating stellar systems "
In: Hut, P., Makino, J. (eds.): Dynamical evolution of star clusters - confrontation of theory and observations. Proc. IAU Symp. 174, Tokyo, Japan, 22-25 August 1995; Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 363
(1996) [details]

Spurzem, R., Einsel, C., Theis, C.
"GRAPE und HARP: Spezialrechner für Simulationen von Sternhaufen und Galaxien "
Sterne Weltraum 35, 190
(1996) [details]

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 03.12.2004