Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

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List of papers per author


Deiters, S.

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Deiters, S..
"Zwei aktive Schwarze Löcher in einer Galaxie"
Sterne Weltraum 42, Heft 2, 16
(2003) [details]

Sills, A., Deiters, S., Eggleton, P., Freitag, M., Giersz, M., Heggie, D., Hurley, J., Hut, P., Ivanova, N., Klessen, R.S., Kroupa, P., LombardiJr., J.C., McMillan, S., Portegies Zwart, S., Zinnecker, H.
"MODEST-2: a summary"
New Astron. 8, 605-628
(2003) [details]

Spurzem, R., Deiters, S.
"Tanz der Schwarzen Löcher "
Sterne Weltraum 42, Heft 2, 17-19
(2003) [details]

Spurzem, R., Deiters, S., Fiestas, J.
"Theory of dynamical evolution of star clusters "
In: Piotto, G., Meylan, G., Djorgovski, S.G., Riello, M. (eds.): New horizons in globular cluster astronomy. Proc. Conf., Padova, 24-28 June 2002; Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 296, 45-52
(2003) [details]

Deiters, S.
"Dynamik von Kugelsternhaufen und Sternentwicklung"
Dissertation, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Heidelberg, 99 Seiten []
(2001) [details]

Deiters, S., Fuchs, B., Just, A., Spurzem, R., Wielen, R. (eds.)
"Dynamics of star clusters and the Milky Way"
Proc. AG Spring Meeting, Heidelberg, 20-24 March 2000; Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 228, XVII + 587 Seiten [ISBN 1-58381-060-9]
(2001) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Multi-mass gaseous models of globular clusters with stellar evolution"
In: Deiters, S., Fuchs, B., Just, A., Spurzem, R., Wielen, R. (eds.): Dynamics of star clusters and the Milky Way Proc. AG Conf., Heidelberg, 20-24 March 2000; Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 228, 416-418
(2001) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Multi-mass gaseous models of globular clusters with stellar evolution"
In: European astronomy at the turn of the millennium. Proc. Joint European and Natl. Astron. Meeting (JENAM-2000), Moscow, 29 May - 3 June 2000; to appear in: Astron. Astrophys. Trans. [Abstr. in: JENAM-2000 Abstr. Book; ISBN 5-89118-124-X, GEOS, Moscow (2000), 51]
(2001) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Stellar evolution and the dynamics of globular star clusters"
In: Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 18, 68
(2001) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Multi-mass gaseous models of globular clusters with stellar evolution"
In: European astronomy at the turn of the millennium. Proc. Joint European and Natl. Astron. Meeting (JENAM 2000), Moscow, 29 May - 3 June 2000; Astron. Astrophys. Trans. 20, 47-50
(2001) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Gaseous models of globular clusters with stellar evolution"
In: Noels, A., Magain, P., Caro, D., Jehin, E., Parmentier, G., Thoul, A. (eds.): The Galactic halo: from globular clusters to field stars. Proc. 35th Liège Astrophys. Colloq., 5-8 July, 1999; Inst. Astrophys. Gèophys., Liège, 613-618
(2000) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Gaseous models of globular clusters: the effects of stellar evolution"
In: Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 17, 24
(2000) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Multi-mass gaseous models of globular clusters with stellar evolution"
In: Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 17, 23
(2000) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Parallel gaseous models of globular clusters with stellar evolution: New insight in gravothermal collapse"
Schielicke, R.E. (ed.): Astron. Ges. Abstract Ser. 15 (1999), 33
(1999) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R.
"Gaseous models of globular clusters with stellar evolution"
In: Abstracts book of the Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting (JENAM-98), Prague, 9-12 September 1998; ESA, Noordwijk, 167
(1998) [details]

Deiters, S., Takahashi, K., Spurzem, R.
"A study comparing models of star clusters with tidal boundary"
Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. 13, 50
(1997) [details]

Deiters, S., Spurzem, R., Weidemann, V., Langer, N.
"Stellar evolution and dynamics of globular clusters "
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 12, 136
(1996) [details]

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 03.12.2004