Astronomisches Rechen-Institut BIBliographical Database for Astronomical References

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6 record(s) matched your query for:


Author(s): E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Sun, Spectrum, Atmosphere, Solar Prominences [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1939 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 41, p. 104
Reference: AJB041p104E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova

Author(s): E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Sun, Spectrum, Atmosphere, Solar Prominences or Sun, Solar Radiation, Temperature [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1939 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 41, p. 106
Reference: AJB041p106E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova

Author(s): E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Sun, Sunspots, Faculae [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1939 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 41, p. 95
Reference: AJB041p095E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova

Author(s): E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Sun, Sunspots, Faculae or Sun, Spectrum, Atmosphere, Solar Prominences [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1939 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 41, p. 98
Reference: AJB041p098E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova

Author(s): E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Sun, Spectrum, Atmosphere, Solar Prominences [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1938 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 40, p. 115
Reference: AJB040p115E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova

Author(s): E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Sun, Sunspots, Faculae or Sun, Spectrum, Atmosphere, Solar Prominences [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1938 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 40, p. 109
Reference: AJB040p109E. Ushakova-Shaposhnikova

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