Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

ARIPRINT:    Database of publications of the institute

List of publications in the decade 1970 - 1979

This list contains individual papers written by members of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut.

Special publications (annual reports, astronomical bibliographies, ephemerides etc.) are not given here. They are recorded in specific lists.

The papers are listed separately for each year of publication. Within each year, the sequence of the papers is in alphabetic order according to the name of the first author (even if this is not a member of the institute).

[Link to: 1980 - 1989]

Published in the year 1979:

Balogh, A., Begemann, F., Buckland, R., Brahic, A., Cruvellier, P., Durney, A., Hagfors, T., Haskell, G., Scholl, H.
"Asteroid Exploration Mission (ASTEREX), Assessment Study "
European Space Agency SCI (79) 1, Paris
(1979) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Where is the Equinox?"
In: Dynamics of the Solar System, Proc. IAU Symp. 81, Tokyo, Japan, 23-26 May 1978; R.L. Duncombe (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 133-143
(1979) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Methods of Compiling a Fundamental Reference System"
In: European Satellite Astrometry. Proc. Colloq., Padova, Italy, 5-7 June 1978; C. Barbieri, P.L.Bernacca (eds.), Univ. di Padova, p. 175-186
(1979) [details]

Fricke, W., Gliese, W.
"Progress in the Compilation of the FK5"
In: Modern Astrometry, Proc. IAU Colloq. 48, Vienna, Austria, 12-14 September 1978; F.V. Prochazka, R.H.Tucker (eds.), Inst. Astron., Univ. Wien, p. 421-432
(1979) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"Evolution of orbits in the outer part of the asteroidal belt and in the Kirkwood gaps as influenced by the mass effects of Saturn and Jupiter "
In: Instabilities in Dynamical Systems, p. 115. Ed. V.G. Szebehely, D. Reidel Publ. Comp., Dordrecht
(1979) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"New numerical experiments to deplete the Kirkwood gaps and the outer part of the belt. Application to the delivery of meteorites from the asteroidal belt "
In: Planetes et petits corps du systeme solaire, p. 128. Action thematique programmee de Planetologie de l'Institut national d'astronomie et de geophysique (C.N.R.S.). Colloque final tenu a Paris (6.-8. Nov. 1978)
(1979) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"Evolution of Orbits in the Outer Part of the Asteroidal Belt and in the Kirkwood Gaps"
In: Dynamics of the Solar System, Proc. IAU Symp. 81, Tokyo, Japan, 23-26 May 1978; R.L. Duncombe (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 223-226
(1979) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"New Numerical Experiments to Deplete the Outer Part of the Asteroidal Belt"
Astron. Astrophys. 72, 246-255
(1979) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Many More Accurate Parallaxes for Stars Brighter than 11th Magnitude? Problems and Possibilities"
In: European Satellite Astrometry. Proc. Colloq., Padova, Italy, 5-7 June 1978; C. Barbieri, P.L.Bernacca (eds.), Univ. di Padova, p. 195-201
(1979) [details]

Gliese, W., Jahreiß, H.
"Nearby Star Data Published 1969-1978 "
Bull. Inf. CDS Strasbourg, No. 16, 92
(1979) [details]

Gliese, W., Jahreiß, H.
"Nearby Star Data Published 1969-1978"
Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser. 38, 423-448
(1979) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Nachruf auf Harald von Klüber "
Sterne und Weltraum 18, S. 40
(1979) [details]

Gondolatsch, F., Groschopf, G., Zimmermann, O.
"Astronomie II (in der Reihe "Studienbücher Physik") "
Verlag E. Klett, Stuttgart
(1979) [details]

Greenberg, R., Scholl, H.
"Resonances in the Asteroid Belt "
In: Asteroids, p. 310. Ed. T. Gehrels. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
(1979) [details]

Keenan, D.W.
"Dynamical Friction in the Galactic Disk"
Astron. Astrophys. 71, 245
(1979) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Das IAU-System der astronomischen Konstanten (1976) und der neue Fundamentalkatalog (FK5) "
Wissensch. Zeitschr. TU Dresden 28, 719
(1979) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Die offenen Sternhaufen M36, M38 und NGC 2477"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 66, 103-111
(1979) [details]

Murray, C.A., Gliese, W., Hoffleit, D.
"Draft proposals by the sub-committee of Commission 24 on the designations of faint stars "
Bull. Inf. CDS Strasbourg, No. 16, p. 71
(1979) [details]

Oberlerchner, D.
"Variability of the Balmer-Discontinuity in Magnetic Stars "
Mitt. Astron. Gesellschaft 45, 120
(1979) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Ten Years of "Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts" "
Bull. Inf. CDS Strasbourg, No. 17, 2
(1979) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Kleine Planeten - 1979 "
Sterne und Weltraum 18, S. 33, S. 241
(1979) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"10 Jahre "Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts" "
Sterne und Weltraum 18, 294
(1979) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Definitive Orbit of Minor Planet (85) Io from Observations 1865-1977"
Astron. Nachr. 300, 111-114
(1979) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Ten Years of "Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts""
Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires 17, 2-11
(1979) [details]

Schmadel, L.D., Schubart, J., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.
"A Survey for High-inclination Minor Planets"
Astron. Astrophys. 76, 130-131
(1979) [details]

Schmadel, L.D., Zech, G.
"Polynomial Approximations for the Correction Delta T = E.T.- U.T. in the Period 1800-1975"
Acta Astron. 29, 101-104
(1979) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Eine besondere Planetenkonstellation im Jahre 1982, die katastrophale Erdbeben auslösen soll "
Sterne und Weltraum 18, 417
(1979) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Dynamik der Apollo Asteroiden "
Mitt. Astron. Gesellschaft 45, 114
(1979) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Recent Work on the Origin of the Kirkwood Gaps"
In: Dynamics of the Solar System, Proc. IAU Symp. 81, Tokyo, Japan, 23-26 May 1978; R.L. Duncombe (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 217-222
(1979) [details]

Scholl, H.
"History and Evolution of Chiron's Orbit"
Icarus 40, 345-349
(1979) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Asteroidenbahnen von hoher Neigung unter Resonanzbedingungen "
Mitt. Astron. Gesellschaft 45, 54
(1979) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Asteroidal Motion at Commensurabilities Treated in Three Dimensions"
In: Dynamics of the Solar System, Proc. IAU Symp. 81, Tokyo, Japan, 23-26 May 1978; R.L. Duncombe (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 207-215
(1979) [details]

Schubart, J., Matson, D.L.
"Masses and Densities of Asteroids "
In: Asteroids, p. 84. Ed. T. Gehrels. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson
(1979) [details]

Schwan, H.
"Bestimmung und mögliche Erklärung von ortsabhängigen Helligkeitsgleichungen "
Mitt. Astron. Gesellschaft 45, 125
(1979) [details]

Tsioumis, A., Fricke, W.
"A Contribution to the Kinematics of the Gould Belt"
Astron. Astrophys. 75, 1-6
(1979) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Precision Estimates of Universal Time from Radio-Interferometric Observations"
In: Time and the Earth's Rotation, Proc. IAU Symp. 82, San Fernando, Spain, 8-12 May 1978; D.D. McCarthy, J.D.H. Pilkington (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 225-230
(1979) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Astronomie mit Hilfe von Satelliten"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 45, 77-79
(1979) [details]

Walter, H.G., West, R.M.
"Precise Optical Positions of Radio Sources in the Southern Hemisphere "
European Southern Observatory, Scientific Preprint No. 59, 26 pp
(1979) [details]

Walter, H.G., West, R.M.
"Astrometry of the Optical Images of Some Southern Radio Sources "
The Messenger, No. 18, p. 9
(1979) [details]

Wielen, R.
"The Density-Wave Theory of Spiral Galaxies - Comparison between Theory and Observations"
In: Stars and Star Systems, Proc. Fourth European Regional Meeting in Astronomy, Uppsala, Sweden, 7-12 August 1978; B.E. Westerlund (ed.), Astrophys. Space Sci. Lib. 75, Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 81-83
(1979) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Die Bedeutung inelastischer Begegnungen für die dynamische Entwicklung von Galaxienhaufen"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 45, 16-18
(1979) [details]

Wielen, R.
"The Density-Wave Theory Confronted by Observations"
In: The Large-Scale Characteristics of the Galaxy, Proc. IAU Symp. 84, College Park, MD, USA, 12-17 June 1978; W.B. Burton (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 133-144
(1979) [details]

Published in the year 1978:

Bien, R.
"Long-Period Effects in the Motion of Trojan Asteroids and of Fictitious Objects at the 1/1 Resonance. Fictitious Objects"
Astron. Astrophys. 68, 295-301
(1978) [details]

Bien, R., du Mont, B.
"Erweiterung des fundamentalen Bezugskoordinatensystems auf schwache Sterne"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 201-202
(1978) [details]

Bien, R., Fricke, W., Lederle, T., Schwan, H.
"Methods for the Comparison of Systems of Star Positions to be applied in the Construction of the FK5"
Veröffentlichungen Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, No. 29, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 21 pages
(1978) [details]

Biermann, P., Wielen, R.
"Encounters of Spherical Galaxies: N-Body Simulations and Comparison with Theoretical Predictions"
In: The Large Scale Structure of the Universe, Proc. IAU Symp. 79, Tallinn, USSR, 12-16 September 1977; M.S. Longair, J. Einasto (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 121-122 Publ. Comp., Dordrecht, Holland
(1978) [details]

du Mont, B.
"A Rediscussion of Determinations of Precession and Galactic Rotation from Lick Proper Motions Referred to Galaxies"
Astron. Astrophys. 66, 441-451
(1978) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Work on the New Fundamental Reference Coordinate System, the FK5"
Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires 15, 70-76
(1978) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"Über die Herkunft der Meteorite aus dem Planetoidengürtel "
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 128
(1978) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams and Color-Luminosity Diagrams for the Stars Nearer than Twenty-two Parsecs"
In: The HR Diagram, Proc. IAU Symp. 80, Washington, DC, USA, 2-5 December 1977; A.G. Davis Philip, D.G. Hayes (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 79-88
(1978) [details]

Gondolatsch, F., Groschopf, G., Zimmermann, O.
"Astronomie I (in der Reihe "Studienbücher Physik") "
Verlag E. Klett, Stuttgart
(1978) [details]

Keenan, D.W.
"Stellar Collisions near a large Black Hole "
Monthly Notices RAS 185, 398
(1978) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Accuracy of Fundamental Positions and Proper Motions"
Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires 14, 62-68
(1978) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Entweichgeschwindigkeiten und mittlere Geschwindigkeiten in Stern- und Galaxienhaufen"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 53, 411-413
(1978) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Der Kleine Planet (85) Io in der Opposition 1977 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 98
(1978) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Kleine Planeten - I. bis IV. Quartal 1978 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, S. 37, S. 144, S. 308
(1978) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Totale Mondfinsternis 16. September 1978 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 221
(1978) [details]

Schmadel, L.D., Deininger, H.
"Test: Mikrocomputer PET 2001 "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 342
(1978) [details]

Schmadel, L.D., Schubart, J.
"A Search for High-Inclination Minor Planets "
The Messenger No. 14, 19
(1978) [details]

Scholl, H., Froeschle, C.
"Die dynamische Topologie von Resonanzfällen im Planetoidengürtel "
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 126
(1978) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Bahndynamik der Körper des Planetensystems "
In: Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Planeten, 1. DFG-Kolloquium über Planetenforschung, S. 47. Hrsg.: MPI für Physik und Astrophysik, Inst. f. Extraterr. Physik, Garching
(1978) [details]

Schubart, J.
"New Results on the Commensurability Cases of the Problem Sun- Jupiter-Asteroid"
In: Dynamics of Planets of Satellites and Theories of Their Motion, Proc. IAU Colloq. 41, Cambridge, UK, 17-19 August 1976; V. Szebehely (ed.), Astrophys. Space Sci. Lib. 72, Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 137-143
(1978) [details]

Schwan, H., Wöhl, H.
"On Possible Giant Cell Circulations of the Solar Ca hoch+-Network"
Astron. Astrophys. 70, 297-302
(1978) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Radiointerferometrie als Wegbereiter eines radioastronomischen Bezugssystem "
Sterne und Weltraum 17, 157
(1978) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Modellrechnungen zur radiointerferometrischen Bestimmung astronomischer Konstanten"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 202-205
(1978) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Zero-point determination of the reference system by radio interferometry"
In: Space Oceanography, Navigation and Geodynamics. Proc. European Workshop, Schloß Elmau, Germany, 16-21 January 1978; ESA SP-137, p. 339-340
(1978) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Drift and Broadening of Ageing Spiral Arms "
Proc. IAU Symp. No. 77, Structure and Properties of Nearby Galaxies, p. 93. Eds. E. Berkhuijsen and R. Wielebinski, Reidel Publ. Comp., Dordrecht, Holland
(1978) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Kinematics and Structure of the Ursa Major Star Cluster "
Bull. American Astron. Soc. 10, 408
(1978) [details]

Wielen, R.
"The Density-Wave Theory of Spiral Galaxies - Comparison between Theory and Observations "
Uppsala Astron. Observ. Report No. 12, Star and Star Systems, p. A19
(1978) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Der nahe offene Sternhaufen in Ursa Major"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 43, 261-262
(1978) [details]

Published in the year 1977:

Aoki, S.
"Non-linear Effect on the Gravitational Instability for the Adiabatically Deformed Case Compared with the Isothermal One"
Astron. Astrophys. 61, 609-624
(1977) [details]

Asteriadis, G.
"Determination of Precession and Galactic Rotation from the Proper Motions of the AGK3"
Astron. Astrophys. 56, 25-38
(1977) [details]

Bien, R.
"Untersuchung über die langperiodischen Bewegungseffekte der Trojaner und fiktiver Objekte von annähernder Jupiterumlaufszeit "
Dissertation, Heidelberg
(1977) [details]

Bien, R.
"Aspekte der Planetoidenforschung "
Sterne und Weltraum 16, 319
(1977) [details]

Bien, R.
"Langperiodische Bewegungen der Trojaner "
Mitt. Astron. Ges. Nr. 42, 78
(1977) [details]

du Mont, B.
"A Three-dimensional Analysis of the Kinematics of 512 FK4/FK4 Sup Stars"
Astron. Astrophys. 61, 127-132
(1977) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Joint Report of the Working Groups of IAU Com. 4 on Precession, Planetary Ephemerides, Units and Time-Scales "
IAU Transactions XVI B, 56 (gemeinsam mit R.L. Duncombe, P.K. Seidelmann, G.A. Wilkins)
(1977) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Bewegungen von Sternen und Gas in Spiralnebeln "
Jahrbuch Heidelberger Akad. Wiss. 1976, 35
(1977) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Hans Kienle (Nekrolog)"
Jahrbuch Heidelberger Akad. Wiss. 1976, p. 63
(1977) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Probleme der fundamentalen Astrometrie und deren Beziehung zur Himmelsmechanik und Radioastrometrie"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 42, 29-41
(1977) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Arguments in Favour of a Change in Precession"
Astron. Astrophys. 54, 363-366
(1977) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Basic Material for the Determination of Precession and of Galactic Rotation and a Review of Methods and Results"
Veröffentlichungen Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, No. 28, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 52 pages
(1977) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"Evoluzione della distribuzione degli asteroidi "
Collum 45, 190
(1977) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"Evolution de la distribution des asteroides "
Astronomie 91, 51
(1977) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"A Qualitative Comparison between the Circular and Elliptic Sun-Jupiter-Asteroid Problem at Commensurabilities"
Astron. Astrophys. 57, 33-39
(1977) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Desiderata for the Catalogue of Nearby Stars"
In: Compilation, Critical Evaluation and Distribution of Stellar Data, Proc. IAU Colloq. 35, Strasbourg, France, 19-21 August 1976; C. Jaschek, G.A. Wilkins (eds.), Astro- phys. Space Sci. Lib. 64, Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 37-39
(1977) [details]

Gliese, W.
"M Dwarfs at Lower z Distances"
In: Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 4, Part II; E.A. Müller (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 11-19
(1977) [details]

Gliese, W., Jaschek, C., McCarthy, M.F.
"Recent Bibliography on the Galactic Polar Areas "
Centre de Donnees Stellaires, Strasbourg, Inf. Bull. No. 12, p. 11
(1977) [details]

Gliese, W., Jaschek, C., McCarthy, M.F.
"Bibliography on Galactic Structure in the Direction of Polar Caps "
In: Highlights of Astronomy (IAU Grenoble 1976), Vol. 4 (Part), p. 23. Ed. E.A. Müller. Reidel Publ. Comp., Dordrecht, Holland
(1977) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Notes on Data Files Available at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut "
Bull. B.I.I.E.A., Paris, Information Cards No. 126-132
(1977) [details]

Lieske, J.H., Lederle, T., Fricke, W., Morando, B.
"Expressions for the Precession Quantities Based upon the IAU (1976) System of Astronomical Constants"
Astron. Astrophys. 58, 1-16
(1977) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Der offene Sternhaufen NGC 6067"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 47, 447-455
(1977) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Der offene Sternhaufen NGC 2362"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 51, 173-176
(1977) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Zur quantitativen Optikprüfung durch den klassischen Hartmann-Test "
Sterne und Weltraum 16, 18
(1977) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Schmidtsysteme ohne Korrektionsplatte "
Sterne und Weltraum 16, 214
(1977) [details]

Schmadel, L.D.
"Improved Elements of the Long Lost Minor Planet (1206) Numerowia"
Astron. Nachr. 298, 221-223
(1977) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Pluto-artige Bewegungstypen im Bereich der Jupiterbahn "
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 42, 78
(1977) [details]

Schwan, H.
"Development and Testing of a Method to Derive an Instrumental System of Positions and Proper Motions of Stars"
Veröffentlichungen Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, No. 27, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 36 pages
(1977) [details]

Schwerdtfeger, H.-M.
"Drift und Verbreiterung von Spiralarmen im Rahmen der Dichtewellentheorie "
Dissertation, Heidelberg
(1977) [details]

Schwerdtfeger, H.-M., Wielen, R.
"Das Altern von Spiralarmen"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 42, 90
(1977) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Data Storage Requirements in Relation to Radio Interferometry Observations"
In: Compilation, Critical Evaluation and Distribution of Stellar Data, Proc. IAU Colloq. 35, Strasbourg, France, 19-21 August 1976; C. Jaschek, G.A. Wilkins (eds.), Astro- phys. Space Sci. Lib. 64, Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 77-83
(1977) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Precision Estimation of Precession and Nutation from Radio Interferometric Observations"
Astron. Astrophys. 59, 433-440
(1977) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Positions of Radio Stars"
Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser. 30, 381-386
(1977) [details]

Wielen, R.
"The Ageing of Spiral Arms "
Recueil des seminaires, annee 1975-1976. Ed. A. Hayli, Observatoire de Besancon, p. 20
(1977) [details]

Wielen, R.
"The Diffusion of Stellar Orbits Derived from the Observed Age-Dependence of the Velocity Dispersion"
Astron. Astrophys. 60, 263-275
(1977) [details]

Published in the year 1976:

du Mont, B.
"Bestimmung der galaktischen Rotation und der Präzession aus fundamentalen Eigenbewegungen und aus Eigenbewegungen relativ zu Galaxien "
Dissertation Univ. Heidelberg
(1976) [details]

du Mont, B.
"Stellare Kinematik aus Eigenbewegungen in Bezug auf Galaxien"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 38, 252-253
(1976) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Frieda Henn (Nachruf) "
Astron. Astrophys. Abstracts Vol. 17, V
(1976) [details]

Froeschle, C., Scholl, H.
"On the Dynamical Topology of the Kirkwood Gaps "
Astron. Astrophys. 48, 389
(1976) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Luminosity Function of the Stars and the Problem of the "Missing Mass" in the Solar Neighbourhood "
Proc. Third European Astronomical Meeting, p. 463. Ed. E.K. Kharadze, Tbilisi
(1976) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Die Supernova vom Jahre 1006 "
Sterne und Weltraum 15, 48
(1976) [details]

Jahreiß, H.
"Sonnennahe Flaresterne "
Sterne und Weltraum 15, 310
(1976) [details]

Laubscher, R.E.
"Dynamical Determinations of the General Precession in Longitude. I. A Rediscussion of Previous Determinations"
Astron. Astrophys. 51, 9-12
(1976) [details]

Laubscher, R.E.
"Dynamical Determinations of the General Precession in Longitude. II. A Determination from Observations of Mars"
Astron. Astrophys. 51, 13-20
(1976) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Notes on data files available at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut "
Bull. B.I.I.E.A., Paris, Information Cards No. 112-125
(1976) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Genauigkeit von Fundamentalkatalogen "
Wissensch. Zeitschr. TU Dresden 25, 948
(1976) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Equinoxes and Solstices A.D. 1450 to 1650"
Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, Jahrg. 67, 301-312
(1976) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Der offene Sternhaufen NGC 5617"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 41, 27-37
(1976) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Der offene Sternhaufen M6 (NGC 6405)"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 45, 27-29
(1976) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Wird der Planetoid 1976 AA mit der Erde kollidieren? "
Sterne und Weltraum 15, 217
(1976) [details]

Schubart, J.
"New Reduction and Collection of Meridian Observations of Ceres and Pallas"
Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Series 26, 405-413
(1976) [details]

Schwan, H.
"Herleitung und Erprobung eines erweiterten Verfahrens zur Bestimmung systematischer Differenzen zwischen verschiedenen fundamentalen Beobachtungen"
In: Mitt. Astron. Ges. 38, 188-189
(1976) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Wie veränderlich ist die Gravitationskonstante? "
Sterne und Weltraum 15, 41
(1976) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Erweiterung des astronomischen Fundamentalkatalogs durch Radioquellen"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 38, 185-188
(1976) [details]

Wielen, R.
"A Galactic Mass Model Composed of a Spheroidal Halo and an Exponential Disk "
Proc. Third European Astron. Meeting, p. 402. Ed. E.K. Kharadze, Tbilisi
(1976) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Ein Zwei-Komponenten-Modell für die Massenverteilung in Galaxien"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 38, 254-255
(1976) [details]

Yokoyama, K.
"Effect of Semi-Annual Solar Nutation Error in Longitude Variation"
Astron. Astrophys. 47, 333-340
(1976) [details]

Published in the year 1975:

Bien, R.
"Größe und Beschaffenheit der Planetoiden "
Sterne und Weltraum 14, 354
(1975) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Determination of a new Fundamental Reference Coordinate System (FK5) for Astronomy (Invited Paper, Abstract) "
Bull. American Astron. Soc. 7, 339
(1975) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Galactic Rotation derived from Radial Velocities and Fundamental Proper Motions (Invited Paper, Abstract) "
Bull. American Astron. Soc. 7, 342
(1975) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Potentialities of Astrometric Telescopes for the Establishment of Reference Systems"
In: Proc. Astrometric Conference held in connection with the Dedication of the 41 inch Astrometric Reflector of the Observa- tory of Torino, 26-28 May 1974; S.L. Lippincott (ed.), Astron. Obs. Torino, p. 47-51
(1975) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Definition of the Celestial Reference Coordinate System in Fundamental Catalogues"
In: On Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics. Proc. IAU Colloq. 26, Torun, Poland, 26-31 August 1974; B. Kolaczek, G. Weiffenbach (eds.), Inst. Geodesy and Geodetical Astron., Technical University, Warsaw, p. 201-222 Poland
(1975) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Le Mouvement des Etoiles dans la Galaxie"
L'Astronomie (SAF,Paris) 89, 355-370
(1975) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Effects of the Introduction of a new Fundamental Reference Coordinate System on Time Scales"
In: Time Determination, Dissemination and Synchronization, Proc. Second Cagliari Int. Meeting, Cagliari, Italy, 3-6 June 1974; H. Enslin, E. Proverbio (eds.), Faculty of Science, Univ. Cagliari, p. 235-240
(1975) [details]

Fricke, W., Gliese, W.
"Beobachtungen zur Verbesserung der stellaren Kinematik"
In: Optical Observing Programs on Galactic Structure and Dynamics. Proc. Conf., Bochum, Germany; T. Schmidt-Kaler (ed.), Astron. Inst., Ruhr-Univ., Bochum, p. 151-156
(1975) [details]

Fricke, W., Tsioumis, A.
"Galactic Rotation and Local Irregularities derived from Fundamental Proper Motions and Radial Velocities"
Astron. Astrophys. 42, 449-455
(1975) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Welche Fragen beantworten uns die Untersuchungen der sonnennahen Sterne? "
Sterne und Weltraum 14, 79
(1975) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Trigonometric Parallaxes - Basic Data for Various Problems"
In: Space Astrometry. Proc. Symp., Frascati, Italy, 22-23 October 1974; T.D. Nguyen, B.T. Battrick (eds.), ESRO SP-108, p. 109-113
(1975) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Notes on data files available at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut "
Bull. B.I.I.E.A. Paris, Information Cards Nos. 103-111
(1975) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Die mittleren Geschwindigkeiten der Sterne in 58 kugelförmigen Sternhaufen"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 32, 153-163
(1975) [details]

Scholl, H., Froeschle, C.
"Asteroidal Motion at the 5/2, 7/3 and 2/1 Resonances"
Astron. Astrophys. 42, 457-463
(1975) [details]

Scholl, H., Giffen, R.
"Stability of Asteroidal Motion in the Hecuba Gap"
In: The Stability of the Solar System and of Small Stellar Systems, Proc. IAU Symp. 62, Warsaw, Poland, 5-8 September 1973; Y. Kozai (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 77-79
(1975) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Die Kleinen Planeten "
Naturwissenschaften 62, 565
(1975) [details]

Schubart, J.
"The Mass of Pallas"
Astron. Astrophys. 39, 147-148
(1975) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Die Kleinen Planeten"
Naturwissenschaften 62, 565-571
(1975) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Accuracy Estimation of Geophysical Parameters and Astronomical Constants in Relation to Long Baseline Interferometry "
In: Proceedings of the First International Symp. "The Use of Artificial Satellites for Geodesy and Geodynamics", Athens 1973, p. 417. Ed. G. Veis. Publ. of National Technical University, Athens
(1975) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"A Comparative Study of the Calculation of Partial Derivatives in Space Dynamics"
In: Satellite Dynamics, Proc. Conf., Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19-21 June 1974; G.E.O. Giacaglia (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 180-191
(1975) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Extension of a Stellar Reference System by Means of Spacecraft-Observed Faint Stars"
In: Space Astrometry. Proc. Symp., Frascati, Italy, 22-23 October 1974; T.D. Nguyen, B.T. Battrick (eds.), ESRO SP-108, p. 73-77
(1975) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Dynamics of Star Clusters: Comparison of Theory with Observations and Simulations"
In: Dynamics of Stellar Systems, Proc. IAU Symp. 69, Besancon, France, 9-13 September 1974; A. Hayli (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 119-131
(1975) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Spiralarm-Indikatoren, Dichtewellentheorie und optische Beobachtungen"
In: Optical Observing Programs on Galactic Structure and Dynamics. Proc. Conf., Bochum, Germany; T. Schmidt-Kaler (ed.), Astron. Inst., Ruhr-Univ., Bochum, p. 59-74
(1975) [details]

Wielen, R.
"On the Age Dependence of the Spatial Distribution and Velocity Dispersion of Stars in a Spiral Galaxy"
In: La dynamique des galaxies spirales. Colloq. Int., Bures-sur-Yvette, France, 16-20 September 1974; L. Weliachew (ed.), Colloq. Int. CNRS 241, Editions du CNRS, Paris, p. 357-370
(1975) [details]

Published in the year 1974:

Aarseth, S.J., Henon, M., Wielen, R.
"A Comparison of Numerical Methods for the Study of Star Cluster Dynamics"
Astron. Astrophys. 37, 183-187
(1974) [details]

Brosche, P., Einasto, J., Rümmel, U.
"Bibliography on the Structure of Galaxies"
Veröffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts Heidelberg, Nr. 26, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 104 Seiten
(1974) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Conclusions on Galactic Kinematics from Proper Motions with Respect to Galaxies"
In: Stars and the Milky Way System, Proc. First Europ. Regional Astron. Meeting, Athens, Greece, 4-9 September 1972, Vol. 2; L.N. Mavridis (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 83-87
(1974) [details]

Fricke, W.
"New Impetus to Astrometry"
In: New Problems in Astrometry, Proc. IAU Symp. 61, Perth, Australia, 13-17 August 1973; W. Gliese, C.A. Murray, R.H. Tucker (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 1-4
(1974) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Plans for the Improvement and Extension of the FK4"
In: New Problems in Astrometry, Proc. IAU Symp. 61, Perth, Australia, 13-17 August 1973; W. Gliese, C.A. Murray, R.H. Tucker (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 23-30
(1974) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Pro and Contra Changes in the Conventional Values of Precession"
In: Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 3; G. Contopoulos (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 211-219
(1974) [details]

Fricke, W., Gliese, W.
"Report on the Meetings of IAU Commission 8: Positional Astronomy, held on 22-23 August 1973"
In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth General Assembly of the IAU, Sydney 1973. Transactions of the IAU, Vol. XV B; G. Contopoulos, A. Jappel (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 81-84
(1974) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Die Häufigkeit roter Zwergsterne in der Umgebung des galaktischen Südpols "
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 34, 100
(1974) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Observations Relevant to the Improvement of the Fundamental System"
In: New Problems in Astrometry, Proc. IAU Symp. 61, Perth, Australia, 13-17 August 1973; W. Gliese, C.A. Murray, R.H. Tucker (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 31-32
(1974) [details]

Gliese, W.
"The Low-velocity Red Dwarfs in the Vicinity of the North Galactic Pole"
Astron. Astrophys. 34, 147-148
(1974) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Die Versuche zur Entfernungsbestimmung der quasistellaren Objekte "
Sterne und Weltraum 13, 352
(1974) [details]

Isobe, S.
"The Local Velocity of Rotation in the Galaxy"
Astron. Astrophys. 36, 327-332
(1974) [details]

Isobe, S.
"Space Motion of Subdwarfs and Initial Contraction of the Galaxy"
Astron. Astrophys. 36, 333-340
(1974) [details]

Jahreiß, H., Wielen, R.
"Leuchtkraftfunktion und Massendichte der sonnennahen Sterne"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 35, 212-213
(1974) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Der bewegliche Frühlingspunkt "
Bild der Wissenschaft 11, 109
(1974) [details]

Lederle, T.
"First Complement to the List of Star Catalogues Available in Machine-readable Form at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg "
Centre de Donnees Stellaires, Inform. Bull. No. 6, 32
(1974) [details]

Lederle, T.
"Notes and Data Files Available at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut "
Bull. B.I.I.E.A., Paris, Information Cards, Nos. 78-93, 1973, und 94-102, 1974
(1974) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Das Produkt AR0 und weitere galaktische Parameter"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 27, 227-231
(1974) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Die Masse von M33"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 29, 61-62
(1974) [details]

Miyamoto, M.
"A Class of Disk-like Models for Self-gravitating Stellar Systems"
Astron. Astrophys. 30, 441-454
(1974) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Die dynamische Entwicklung des Planetoidensystems "
Sterne und Weltraum 13, 256
(1974) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Determination of the Masses of Jupiter and Saturn from the Motion of Trojans"
In: Asteroids, Comets, Meteoric Matter, Proc. IAU Colloq. 22, Nice, France, 4-6 April 1972; C. Cristescu, W.J. Klepczynski, B. Milet (eds.), Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucharest, p. 93-96
(1974) [details]

Scholl, H., Froeschle, C.
"Asteroidal Motion at the 3/1 Commensurability"
Astron. Astrophys. 33, 455-458
(1974) [details]

Scholl, H., Giffen, R.
"Stability of Asteroidal Motion in the Hecuba Gap "
In: The Stability of the Solar System and of Small Stellar Systems. IAU Symp. No. 62, p. 77. Ed. Y. Kozai. Reidel Publ. Comp. Dordrecht, Holland
(1974) [details]

Schubart, J.
"The Masses of the First Two Asteroids"
Astron. Astrophys. 30, 289-292
(1974) [details]

Walter, H.G.
"Accuracy Estimation of Astronomical Constants from Long Baseline Interferometer Observations "
IAU Symp. No. 61, New Problems in Astrometry, p. 131. Ed. W. Gliese et al., Reidel Publ. Comp. Dordrecht, Holland
(1974) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Density-Wave Theory of the Spiral Structure of Galaxies "
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 86, 341
(1974) [details]

Wielen, R.
"On the Numerical Integration of the N-Body Problem for Star Clusters"
In: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations; D.G. Bettis (ed.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 362, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 276-290
(1974) [details]

Wielen, R.
"The Gravitational N-Body Problem for Star Clusters"
In: Stars and the Milky Way System, Proc. First Europ. Regional Astron. Meeting, Athens, Greece, 4-9 September 1972, Vol. 2; L.N. Mavridis (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 326-354
(1974) [details]

Wielen, R.
"The Kinematics and Ages of Stars in Gliese's Catalogue"
In: Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 3; G. Contopoulos (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 395-407
(1974) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Space Velocities of Nearby Classical Cepheids"
Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser. 15, 1-33
(1974) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Density-Wave Theory of the Spiral Structure of Galaxies"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 86, 341-362
(1974) [details]

Wielen, R., Jahreiß, H.
"Kinematik und Alter der sonnennahen Sterne"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 35, 214-215
(1974) [details]

Published in the year 1973:

Brosche, P.
"The Manifold of Galaxies. Galaxies with known Dynamical Parameters "
Astron. Astrophys. 23, 259
(1973) [details]

Brosche, P.
"Die Mannigfaltigkeit der Galaxien"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 32, 107
(1973) [details]

Brosche, P., Sündermann, J.
"Meeresgezeiten bremsen die Erdrotation "
Umschau, 73. Jhrg., 218
(1973) [details]

Brosche, P., Wade, C.M., Hjellming, R.M.
"Precise Positions of Radio Sources. IV. Improved Solutions and Error Analysis for 59 Sources "
Astrophys. Journ. 183, 805
(1973) [details]

Fricke, W.
"The Status of the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie Heidelberg "
Proc. First Europ. Astron. Meeting Vol. 1, 140. Springer-Verlag
(1973) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Neue Probleme der Astrometrie "
Jahrb. Heidelberger Akad. Wiss. 1972, 102
(1973) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Probleme in der Ausbildung astronomischer Beobachter"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 32, 9-14
(1973) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Prospects for an Extension of the Fundamental Reference System to Faint Objects and Radio Sources"
Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital. 43, 751-758
(1973) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Report of IAU Commission 8: Positional Astronomy"
In: Reports on Astronomy. Transactions of the IAU, Vol. XV A; C. de Jager (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 29-41
(1973) [details]

Giffen, R.
"A Study of Commensurable Motion in the Asteroid Belt"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 32, 202-206
(1973) [details]

Giffen, R.
"A Study of Commensurable Motion in the Asteroid Belt"
Astron. Astrophys. 23, 387-403
(1973) [details]

Gliese, W.
"On the Accuracy of Spectral Classifications of Main-Sequence Stars"
In: Spectral Classification and Multicolour Photometry, Proc. IAU Symp. 50, Villa Carlos Paz, Argentine, 18-24 October 1971; Ch. Fehrenbach, B.E. Westerlund (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 52-59
(1973) [details]

Gliese, W.
"The Correlation between Ultraviolet Excess and Deviation from the Mean Main-sequence"
Astron. Astrophys. 27, 429-431
(1973) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Die Gravitationskonstanten "
Sterne und Weltraum 12, 204
(1973) [details]

Isobe, S.
"Evaporation of Dirty Ice Particles Surrounding Early Type Stars. IV. Various Size Distribution "
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 25, 101
(1973) [details]

Isobe, S.
"Evaporation of Dirty Ice Particles Surrounding Early Type Stars. V. Variety of Interstellar extinction Curves "
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 25, 253
(1973) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Der Galaxienhaufen Abell 2199 "
Astron. Nachr. 294, 187
(1973) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Die Verteilung der lichtschwachen Sterne im offenen Sternhaufen NGC 2477"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 24, 531-533
(1973) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Der Galaxienhaufen Abell 2199"
Astron. Nachr. 294, 187-189
(1973) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Determination of the Mass of Saturn from the Motion of Trojans"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 32, 206
(1973) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Determination of the Mass of Saturn from the Motion of Trojans"
Astron. Astrophys. 25, 203-209
(1973) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Some Recent Work on the Orbital Theory of Asteroids"
Celestial Mechanics 8, 219-220
(1973) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Raumgeschwindigkeiten und Entstehungsorte von klassischen Cepheiden"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 32, 212
(1973) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Numerical Studies of the Gravitational Problem of N-Bodies"
In: Recent Advances in Dynamical Astronomy, Proc. Conf., Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, 9-21 August 1972; B.D. Tapley, V. Szebehely (eds.); Astrophys. Space Sci. Lib. 39, Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 209-210
(1973) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Places of Formation of Nearby Classical Cepheids"
Astron. Astrophys. 25, 285-297
(1973) [details]

Published in the year 1972:

Brosche, P.
"The Accuracy of the NRAO Interferometer Positions. (Abstract). "
Bull. American Astron. Soc. 4, 215
(1972) [details]

Brosche, P., Sündermann, J.
"On the Torques due to Tidal Friction of the Oceans and Adjacent Seas"
In: Rotation of the Earth, Proc. IAU Symp. 48, Morioka, Japan, 9-15 May 1971; P. Melchior, S. Yumi (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 235-239
(1972) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Impulse für die astronomische Forschung"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 31, 9-13
(1972) [details]

Fricke, W.
"On the Motion of the Equator and the Ecliptic"
In: Rotation of the Earth, Proc. IAU Symp. 48, Morioka, Japan, 9-15 May 1971; P. Melchior, S. Yumi (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 196
(1972) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Fundamental Systems of Positions and Proper Motions"
Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 10, 101-128
(1972) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Errors in the Trigonometric Parallaxes"
Q. J. R. Astron. Soc. 13, 138-151
(1972) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Kinematics of a Sample of Very Red Stars at the South Galactic Pole"
Astron. Astrophys. 21, 431-433
(1972) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Anzeichen von Aktivität im galaktischen Zentrum "
Sterne und Weltraum 11, 64
(1972) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Die Astronomische Einheit "
Sterne und Weltraum 11, 298
(1972) [details]

Laubscher, R.E.
"A Determination of the Motion of the Ecliptic"
Astron. Astrophys. 20, 407-414
(1972) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Die mittleren Geschwindigkeiten der Sterne in offenen Sternhaufen"
Astron. Nachr. 293, 259-265
(1972) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Über den Aufbau von 11 offenen Sternhaufen"
Astron. Nachr. 294, 105-111
(1972) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Massenbestimmung von Planetoiden"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 31, 182
(1972) [details]

Wielen, R.
"On the Lifetimes of Galactic Clusters "
IAU Colloquium No. 10, Gravitational N-Body Problem, p. 62. Edited by M. Lecar. Reidel Publ. Comp. Dordrecht, Holland
(1972) [details]

Wielen, R.
"On the Numerical Integration of the N-Body Problem for Star Clusters"
Bull. American Astron. Soc. 4, 423
(1972) [details]

Published in the year 1971:

Brosche, P.
"Die Bremsung der Erdrotation "
Sterne und Weltraum 10, 38-40
(1971) [details]

Brosche, P.
"Maffei 2 "
Sterne und Weltraum 10, 169-170
(1971) [details]

Brosche, P.
"Rotation und Typ von Galaxien"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 30, 93-94
(1971) [details]

Brosche, P.
"Rotation and Type of Galaxies"
Astron. Astrophys. 13, 293-297
(1971) [details]

Brosche, P., Sündermann, J.
"Die Gezeiten des Meeres und die Rotation der Erde"
Pure and Applied Geophysics 86, 95-117
(1971) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Can the Fundamental System be replaced by a Reference System of Galaxies "
IAU Colloquium No. 7: Proper Motions. Edited by W.J. Luyten. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 105-115
(1971) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Systems and Catalogues of Proper Motions"
In: Structure and Evolution of the Galaxy, Proc. Conf., Athens, Greece, 8-19 September 1969; L.N. Mavridis (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 17-33
(1971) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Determinations of Precession"
In: The IAU System of Astronomical Constants, Proc. IAU Colloq. 9, Heidelberg, Germany, 12-14 August 1970; B. Emerson, T. Lederle (eds.), Celest. Mech. 4, 150-162
(1971) [details]

Fricke, W.
"A Rediscussion of Newcomb's Determination of Precession"
Astron. Astrophys. 13, 298-308
(1971) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Recent Observations relevant to the Improvement of FK4 "
IAU Colloquium No. 7: Proper Motions. Edited by W.J. Luyten. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 146-152
(1971) [details]

Gliese, W.
"The White Dwarfs in the Catalogue of Nearby Stars of 1969"
In: White Dwarfs, Proc. IAU Symp. 42, St. Andrews, UK, 11-13 Aug 1970; W.J. Luyten (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 35-40
(1971) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Beziehungen zwischen Spektraltypen, Farben und absoluten Helligkeiten der nahen Hauptreihensterne"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 30, 103-105
(1971) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Relations between Spectral Types, Colours, and Absolute Magnitudes of Nearby Main-Sequence Stars"
Veröffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts Heidelberg, Nr. 24, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 29 Seiten
(1971) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Die Sterne im galaktischen Zentralbereich "
Sterne und Weltraum 10, 158-162
(1971) [details]

Laubscher, R.E.
"The Motion of Mars: 1751-1969"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 30, 142
(1971) [details]

Laubscher, R.E.
"The Motion of Mars: 1751-1969"
Astron. Astrophys. 13, 426-436
(1971) [details]

Lederle, T.
"List of catalogs available at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg "
Centre de Donnees Stellaires. Inform. Bull. No. 1, 25-31
(1971) [details]

Lederle, T., Emerson, B.
"The IAU System of Astronomical Constants. Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 9, Heidelberg 12-14 August 1970 "
Celestial Mechanics 4, 129-280
(1971) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Wie hell ist es im Innern eines kugelförmigen Sternhaufens "
Sterne 47, 78-80
(1971) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Die galaktische Beschleunigung K(z) und das lokale System"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 11, 407-411
(1971) [details]

Lohmann, W.
"Untersuchungen über den Aufbau offener Sternhaufen"
Astron. Nachr. 292, 193-204
(1971) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Determination of the Mass of Jupiter Derived from Observations of the Minor Planets (153) Hilda, (279) Thule, and (334) Chicago."
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 30, 142
(1971) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Correction to the Mass of Jupiter Derived from the Motion of (153) Hilda, (279) Thule, and (334) Chicago"
In: The IAU System of Astronomical Constants, Proc. IAU Colloq. 9, Heidelberg, Germany, 12-14 August 1970; B. Emerson, T. Lederle (eds.), Celest. Mech. 4, 250-252
(1971) [details]

Scholl, H.
"Determination of the Mass of Jupiter derived from Observations of the Minor Planets (153) Hilda, (279) Thule, and (334) Chicago"
Veröffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts Heidelberg, Nr. 25, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 31 Seiten
(1971) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Asteroiden-Kolloquium in Arizona "
Sterne und Weltraum 10, 170
(1971) [details]

Schubart, J.
"The Planetary Masses and the Orbits of the First Four Minor Planets"
In: The IAU System of Astronomical Constants, Proc. IAU Colloq. 9, Heidelberg, Germany, 12-14 August 1970; B. Emerson, T. Lederle (eds.), Celest. Mech. 4, 246-249
(1971) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Asteroid Masses and Densities"
In: Physical Studies of Minor Planets, Proc. IAU Colloq. 12, Tucson, AZ, USA, 6-10 March 1971; T. Gehrels (ed.), NASA Sp-267, p. 33-39
(1971) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Gravitative Deutung der Spiralstruktur von Galaxien"
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 30, 31-51
(1971) [details]

Wielen, R.
"On the Lifetimes of Galactic Clusters"
Astrophys. Space Sci. 13, 300-308
(1971) [details]

Wielen, R.
"The Age Distribution and Total Lifetimes of Galactic Clusters"
Astron. Astrophys. 13, 309-322
(1971) [details]

Published in the year 1970:

Böhme, S.
"Zum Einfluß eines Quadrupolmoments der Sonne auf die Bahnlage der Planeten"
Astron. Nachr. 292, 35-36
(1970) [details]

Brosche, P.
"Zur Entfernung des Krebsnebels "
Naturwissenschaften 57, 392
(1970) [details]

Brosche, P.
"A Model for the Early Evolution of Galaxies"
Astron. Astrophys. 6, 240-253
(1970) [details]

Brosche, P.
"Programs for the Determination of Systematic Differences and Application to W350 - FK4"
Veröffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts Heidelberg, Nr. 23, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 16 Seiten
(1970) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Bestimmungen der Kreisbahngeschwindigkeit in der Milchstraße "
Annalen Univ.-Sternwarte Wien, Band 29, Nr. 2, 107-115
(1970) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Die Rotation der Spiralnebel "
Bild der Wissenschaft, 7. Jhrg. Nr. 2, 149-157
(1970) [details]

Fricke, W.
"Laudatio zur Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an D.H. Sadler "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 182
(1970) [details]

Fricke, W.
"H. Vogt (Nekrolog) "
Jahrbuch Heidelberger Akad. Wiss. 1969, 65-70
(1970) [details]

Fricke, W.
"K. Heinemann (Nekrolog) "
Astron. Nachr. 292, 190
(1970) [details]

Geyer, U.
"The Zero-Point of the Period-Luminosity-Relation of Cepheids"
Astron. Astrophys. 5, 116-126
(1970) [details]

Gliese, W.
"Vierte astrometrische Konferenz in den USA - Sternparallaxen "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 42 und 9, 106 (Berichtigung)
(1970) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Die Bestimmung der Massen der großen Planeten "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 178-181
(1970) [details]

Gondolatsch, F.
"Interstellare Materie im Sternbild Skorpion "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 248-253
(1970) [details]

Güntzel-Lingner, U.
"Die erfolgreich gestarteten künstlichen Erdsatelliten und Raumsonden (16.6.-30.9.1969) "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 95
(1970) [details]

Güntzel-Lingner, U.
"Die erfolgreich gestarteten künstlichen Erdsatelliten und Raumsonden (1.10.-31.12.1969) "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 126
(1970) [details]

Güntzel-Lingner, U.
"Die erfolgreich gestarteten künstlichen Erdsatelliten und Raumsonden (1.1.-15.4.1970) "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 236
(1970) [details]

Güntzel-Lingner, U.
"Die erfolgreich gestarteten künstlichen Erdsatelliten und Raumsonden (16.4.-20.8.1970) "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 322
(1970) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Commensurability Cases among the Minor Planets "
Instituto Nazionale di Alta Mathematica (Rom), Symposia Mathematica 3, 23
(1970) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Prüfung der Theorie der Erdbahn durch numerische Integration "
Sterne und Weltraum 9, 13
(1970) [details]

Schubart, J.
"Minor Planets on commensurable Orbits with Approaches to Jupiter"
In: Periodic Orbits, Stability and Resonances, Proc. Conf., Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4-12 September 1969; G.E.O. Giacaglia (ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 42-52
(1970) [details]

Wielen, R.
"Dynamical Evolution of Star Clusters as an N-Body Problem"
Celest. Mech. 2, 353-354
(1970) [details]

[Link to: 1960 - 1969]

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