Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

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Paper 1998042

Author(s): Fuchs, B., Möllenhoff, C., Heidt, H.
Title: Decomposition of the rotation curves of distant field galaxies
Source: Astron. Astrophys. 336, 878-882
Year: 1998
Abstract: We present decompositions of the rotation curves of distant spiral galaxies into contributions due to their bulges, disks, and putative dark haloes. In order to set constraints on the ambiguities of the decompositons we interpret the morphology of the spiral structures quantitatively in the framework of density wave theory. Galaxy models constrained in such a way show that the distant galaxies, which are much younger than nearby galaxies, are indeed also imbedded in dark haloes as expected from contemporary theories of the cosmogony of galaxies.
Preprint issued: June 1998
Remarks: ARI-Preprint No. 84

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