Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg

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List of papers per author


Pavlov, A.I.

In some cases, the lists per author contain also papers which were written while the author was not a member of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut. This should help the user to have a more complete list of papers of this author.

Hörandel, J.R., Kalmykov, N.N., Pavlov, A.I.
"The knee in the energy spectrum of cosmic rays in the framework of the Poly-Gonato and diffusion models "
In: Contributed Papers. 28th Cosmic Ray Conf., Tsukuba, Jpn, 31 Jul - 7 Aug 2003; Universal Acad. Press, Tokyo, 243-246
(2003) [details]

Pavlov, A.
"Effective method for the investigation of stability and dynamics of rotation motion of celestial bodies"
to appear in: Astronomy Lett. (Pis’ma Astron. Zh.)
(2003) [details]

Pavlov, A.I., Maciejewski, A.J.
"An efficient method for studying the stability and dynamics of the rotational motions of celestial bodies"
Astronomy Lett. (Pis'ma Astron. Zh.) 29, 552-566
(2003) [details]

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Letzte Änderung/Updated: 03.12.2004