Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg


ARI Data Base for Nearby Stars

Index of ARICNS stars with     FK     numbers:

ARICNS stars in the Fundamental Catalogues: FC, NFK, FK3 ('Auwers' stars), FK3 ('Zusatz' stars), FK4, FK4Sup, FK5 Basic, FK5 Extension, FK4Sup stars not included into the FK5 Extension, FK6

  1. All FK stars
  2. FC
  3. NFK
  4. FK3 ('Auwers' stars)
  5. FK3 ('Zusatz' stars)
  6. FK4
  7. FK4Sup
  8. FK5 Basic
  9. FK5 Extension
  10. FK4Sup stars not included into the FK5 Extension

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Updated: 12 August 1998