PRO vdisp W= DBLARR(10000) Z= DBLARR(10000) ;density = DBLARR(10000) ;vdisptot = DBLARR(10000) ;vdispphi= DBLARR(10000) vdispr=DBLARR(10000) datax=DBLARR(100) datay=DBLARR(100) dataz=DBLARR(100,100) XW= 0.0D0 XZ=0.0D0 XRHO=0.0D0 XSIGT=0.0D0 XSIGPH = 0.0D0 XSIGR = 0.0D0 ; choose the datafile. This case: model (6.0,0.9), timestep 785 ; (file: time060_090, column 2) OPENR, 1, '../run060_090/VDISP_060_090_00785' FOR i=0,9999 DO BEGIN ; read the variables READF, 1, XW, XZ, XRHO, XSIGT, XSIGPH, XSIGR W(i) = XW Z(i) = XZ vdisptot(i) = XSIGT ;1-d velocity diapersion ; other posible variables to plot ; density(i) = XRHO ; vdispphi(i) = XSIGPH ; vdispr(i) = XSIGR ENDFOR k=0 FOR i=0,99 DO BEGIN FOR j=0,99 DO BEGIN datax(i)=W(k) datay(j)=Z(k) dataz(i,j)=vdispr(k) ; PRINT, datax(i), datay(j),dataz(i,j) k=k+1 ENDFOR ENDFOR SET_PLOT, 'PS' DEVICE, /COLOR, file='' ; plot contour. dataz is grid defined through datax and ; datay (vectors) CONTOUR, dataz,datax,datay,nlevels=20,/ISOTROPIC,$ xrange=[0,3],yrange=[0,3],/follow, $ xtitle='!7q!X',ytitle='!8z!X' DEVICE, /CLOSE SET_PLOT, 'X' CLOSE, 1 END