Astronomisches Rechen-Institut BIBliographical Database for Astronomical References

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15 record(s) matched your query for:


Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Observations of Celestial Bodies and Their Results, Solar System, Comets and Meteors, Individual Comets [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1916 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 18, p. 311
Reference: AJB018p311N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Observations of Celestial Bodies and Their Results, Solar System, Planets and Satellites, Moon [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1916 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 18, p. 256
Reference: AJB018p256N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Observations and Their Results, Comets and Meteors, Meteors, General Aspects or Observations and Their Results, Comets and Meteors, Meteors, Meteor Showers [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1911 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 13, p. 304
Reference: AJB013p304N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Observations and Their Results, Comets and Meteors, Individual Comets, Older Comets Until 1910 Inclusive [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1911 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 13, p. 277
Reference: AJB013p277N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Instruments, Astrophysical Instruments, Photometers, Spectrophotometers, Spectroscopes, Spectrographs [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1911 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 13, p. 101
Reference: AJB013p101N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Astronomy, Instruments and Methods of Observation, Visual, Photographic and Other Methods, Photographic Methods or Astronomy, Instruments and Methods of Observation, Visual, Photographic and Other Methods, Spectroscopic Methods [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1909 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 11, p. 278
Reference: AJB011p278N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: History, Biographies and Correspondence, Obituaries [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1909 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 11, p. 148
Reference: AJB011p148N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Not available (index format)
Keywords: Reports, Institutes [Chapter title of AJB]
Source: Not available (index format)
Year: 1909 (or earlier; index format)
Image: AJB Vol. 11, p. 2
Reference: AJB011p002N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): H. Watson, H. Mémery, S. Kosinska, E. J. Gheury, R. Daunt, G. Raymond, U. Rousselot, L. Gilles, E. W. Barlow, M. Proctor, A. M. Newbegin, W. Kass, N. von Konkoly-Thege, McHarg, A. N. Neate, Epstein, E. D. Rue, A. Stentzel, A. A. Buss
Title: Kürzere Mitteilungen über einzelne Fleckenerscheinungen.
Keywords: Astrophysics, Sun, Sunspots, Faculae, Prominences, Individual Sunspots and Prominences
Source: AJB, 9, 361 - 363
Year: 1908
Image: AJB Vol. 9, p. 361/048.1048.
Reference: AJB009p361/048.1048.H. Watson, H. Mémery, S. Kosinska, E. J. Gheury, R. Daunt, G. Raymond, U. Rousselot, L. Gilles, E. W. Barlow, M. Proctor, A. M. Newbegin, W. Kass, N. von Konkoly-Thege, McHarg, A. N. Neate, Epstein, E. D. Rue, A. Stentzel, A. A. Buss

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Egy uj passage-prisma (Ein neues Passagenprisma).
Keywords: Astronomy, Instruments and Methods of Observation, Astronomical Instruments with Auxiliary Instrumentation, Telescopes, Refractors, Zenith Tubes, Meridian Circles
Source: Math. Phys. L., 16, 87, 9 S.
Year: 1907
Image: AJB Vol. 9, p. 201/032.0613a.
Reference: AJB009p201/032.0613a.N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Egy uj passage-prisma (Ein neues Passagenprisma).
Keywords: Astronomy, Instruments and Methods of Observation, Astronomical Instruments with Auxiliary Instrumentation, Telescopes, Refractors, Zenith Tubes, Meridian Circles
Source: AN, 173, 369 - 373
Year: 1907
Image: AJB Vol. 9, p. 201/032.0613b.
Reference: AJB009p201/032.0613b.N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): L. Arndt, J. Bauschinger, E. Becker, K. Bohlin, H. Bruns, L. de Ball, D. J. Dubiago, J. Fényi, W. Foerster, J. Franz, R. Gautier, E. Hartwig, P. Harzer, F. R. Helmert, H. A. Howe, E. Jost, O. Knopf, K. Koß, H. Kreutz, F. Küstner, P. Lowell, W. Luther, A. A. Nijland, R. Schorr, K. Schwarzschild, H. Struve, H. C. Vogel, N. von Konkoly-Thege, H. von Seeliger, W. Winkler, M. Wolf, A. Wolfer
Title: Jahresberichte der Sternwarten für 1903.
Keywords: Reports, Institutes
Source: VJS, 39
Year: 1904
Image: AJB Vol. 6, p. 1/001.0001.
Reference: AJB006p001/001.0001.L. Arndt, J. Bauschinger, E. Becker, K. Bohlin, H. Bruns, L. de Ball, D. J. Dubiago, J. Fényi, W. Foerster, J. Franz, R. Gautier, E. Hartwig, P. Harzer, F. R. Helmert, H. A. Howe, E. Jost, O. Knopf, K. Koß, H. Kreutz, F. Küstner, P. Lowell, W. Luther, A. A. Nijland, R. Schorr, K. Schwarzschild, H. Struve, H. C. Vogel, N. von Konkoly-Thege, H. von Seeliger, W. Winkler, M. Wolf, A. Wolfer

Author(s): N. von Konkoly-Thege
Title: Az 1903 I (Borrelly) üstökös (Der Komet 1903 I Borrelly).
Keywords: Astrophysics, Comets and Meteors, Photometric, Spectroscopic and Other Observations of Comets
Source: Athmos., 7, 277, 6 S.
Year: 1903
Image: AJB Vol. 5, p. 505/060.1981.
Reference: AJB005p505/060.1981.N. von Konkoly-Thege

Author(s): E. Hartwig, W. Foerster, J. Bauschinger, F. Küstner, J. Franz, H. A. Howe, P. Lowell, W. Luther, R. Gautier, K. Schwarzschild, R. Schorr, W. Valentiner, M. Wolf, O. Knopf, J. Fényi, P. Harzer, H. Kreutz, H. Struve, H. Bruns, G. Celoria, H. Seeliger, L. Arndt, N. von Konkoly-Thege, C. L. Doolittle, H. C. Vogel, F. R. Helmert, R. Schumann, K. Bohlin, E. Becker, W. F. Wislicenus, A. A. Nijland, L. de Ball, A. Wolfer
Title: Jahresberichte der Sternwarten für 1902.
Keywords: Reports, Institutes, Arcetri, Bamberg, Berlin, Bonn, Breslau, Denver, Düsseldorf, Flagstaff, Genf, Göttingen, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Jena, Kalocsa, Kiel, Königsberg, Leipzig, Milano, München, Neuchatel, New York, O'Gyalla, Philadelphia, Potsdam, Stockholm, Strassburg, Utrecht, Wien, Zürich
Source: V. J. J. ?, 38, p. 72 - 169
Year: 1903
Image: AJB Vol. 5, p. 1/001.0001.
Reference: AJB005p001/001.0001.E. Hartwig, W. Foerster, J. Bauschinger, F. Küstner, J. Franz, H. A. Howe, P. Lowell, W. Luther, R. Gautier, K. Schwarzschild, R. Schorr, W. Valentiner, M. Wolf, O. Knopf, J. Fényi, P. Harzer, H. Kreutz, H. Struve, H. Bruns, G. Celoria, H. Seeliger, L. Arndt, N. von Konkoly-Thege, C. L. Doolittle, H. C. Vogel, F. R. Helmert, R. Schumann, K. Bohlin, E. Becker, W. F. Wislicenus, A. A. Nijland, L. de Ball, A. Wolfer

Author(s): E. Hartwig, W. Foerster, J. Bauschinger, F. Küstner, J. Franz, R. Luther, W. Schur, R. Schorr, W. Valentiner, M. Wolf, O. Knopf, W. Winkler, J. Fényi, D. Dubiago, P. Harzer, H. Kreutz, H. Struve, H. Bruns, G. Schiaparelli, H. Seeliger, N. von Konkoly-Thege, R. von Kövesligethy, B. Harkányi, H. C. Vogel, F. R. Helmert, O. Backlund, K. Bohlin, E. Becker, F. Porro, A. A. Nyland, L. de Ball, A. Wolfer
Title: Jahresberichte der Sternwarten für 1899.
Keywords: Reports, Institutes, Bamberg, Berlin, Bonn, Breslau, Düsseldorf, Göttingen, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Jena, Kalocsa, Kasan, Kiel, Königsberg, Leipzig, Milano, München, ó-Gyalla, Potsdam, Pulkowa, Stockholm, Strassburg, Torino, Utrecht, Wien, Zürich
Source: V. J. S., XXXV, p. 82 - 189
Year: 1900
Image: AJB Vol. 2, p. 1/001.0001.
Reference: AJB002p001/001.0001.E. Hartwig, W. Foerster, J. Bauschinger, F. Küstner, J. Franz, R. Luther, W. Schur, R. Schorr, W. Valentiner, M. Wolf, O. Knopf, W. Winkler, J. Fényi, D. Dubiago, P. Harzer, H. Kreutz, H. Struve, H. Bruns, G. Schiaparelli, H. Seeliger, N. von Konkoly-Thege, R. von Kövesligethy, B. Harkányi, H. C. Vogel, F. R. Helmert, O. Backlund, K. Bohlin, E. Becker, F. Porro, A. A. Nyland, L. de Ball, A. Wolfer

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